Sabre Centurion Company?

Started by bittenyakka, March 11, 2008, 04:28:34 PM

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I presumed Zippy was talking about the SAMFS 300 bar CFW cylinders.

Even so I did make a typo 8 should of been 6.  Doesn't matter.

Another point to take is the concept of the first SABRE CENTURION entered into service 25 years ago and are still going strong.  (NOT CFS SERVICE).

Yes we all agree updating and keeping up with improvements in CABA would be great, but this is with a cost.

Which that cost probably could be used better in buying new appliances for brigades which have 20 - 25 year appliances in their station.

The facts are to replace the backplates would not even add up to one brand new QAV, but is it really required?  Probably not, if you have good operators which know how to adjust the back plate strap you should be OK.

One day we will get a different or new type of set.  But not right now.

We also all agree if you can't handle the weight get on the filtered pump!!

This problem has come back from the training.  Instructors are being to soft and are not working students as hard as they use to.  I can remember quite clearly when I did my initial course the first night we were running and dragging casualties with the set to sort out who can handle it and can not.

I understand times have changed and PC is in.  But I think this is a bad way of teaching such a course which provides personal protection.

Don't agree we should bring back to hard times like it use to, but at least make it harder to achieve the standard which is currently set.


I thought State hazmat ones where 200bar 9L aliminium

note I have used them and have only had 200 bar


Cameron Yelland

Quote from: ltdan on May 16, 2008, 03:04:29 PM

Which that cost probably could be used better in buying new appliances for brigades which have 20 - 25 year appliances in their station.

With the current quality of appliances we seem to be receiving, do you really think they will be in service in 20 years time?
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Quote from: Cameron Yelland on May 16, 2008, 06:38:56 PM
Quote from: ltdan on May 16, 2008, 03:04:29 PM

Which that cost probably could be used better in buying new appliances for brigades which have 20 - 25 year appliances in their station.

With the current quality of appliances we seem to be receiving, do you really think they will be in service in 20 years time?

Couldn't comment about that can only comment that I have a 23 year old appliance


Its a fair call though.. The 23 year old appliances are out living the 5 year old ones.. (On a number of different levels)..

Says alot about things..