New BWC Tender

Started by Cameron Yelland, March 17, 2008, 09:17:45 AM

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Cameron Yelland


Seems there are some new BWC's up for tender.

anyone know if these are going to be brand newies or some retrofitted jobs?

Unfortunately i cant download the specs as i dont have a user name etc.  If someone does feel free to post them here  :-D
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


very interesting, would be great to see the spec's...if they are any different to the last batch inc. macclesfield/mt gambier.

Cameron Yelland

From what i have heard the CFS werent going to make any more of these due to cost.  Maybe a change in heart?

I guess time will tell.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


May be new BWC to fill up that air crane when its away from the HILL'S??


well we desperately need more


Could be the tanker 'pod' build for the hook truck(s)????
Swanport Group DGO - Region 3
Jervois CFS Brigade - "Home of the Original Hooker!"

SA Firey

The South Australian Country Fire Service has a requirement to provide cost effective but durable water tankers in support of its fire appliance fleet. The concept, as per the photos attached, is capable of being fitted to both new and second hand cab-chassis. The following specification outlines the basic requirements for these vehicles.

CFS BW9 Body

The Isuzu FTR900 Long Cab Chassis and the Darley 2BE / Deutz F2L2011W engine pump set will be supplied by CFS and delivered FIS. The body builder shall complete any modifications required to comply with these specifications.

Images are copyright