Brigade Elections

Started by Cameron Yelland, February 23, 2008, 04:47:19 PM

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May be its time to change how we vote so that if your not there that you can do a postal vote but that would mean that all those standing for a position would have to be up on the board one week before the election....We also need to enforce the rule that you just can not turn up at the AGM vote and your brigade does not see you till next year.....

All the best to those that are standing at elections this week.......


Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on July 27, 2008, 06:55:51 AM
We also need to enforce the rule that you just can not turn up at the AGM vote and your brigade does not see you till next year.....

You're right Bill...but it is in the hands of the brigade itself....clean up your membership lists....

Each year, around AGM time, we send a letter to every member of the brigade, asking them tho state their intentions for the upcoming year -
eg stay as a fire-fighter,

those who are fire-fighters, but we haven't seen for some time but still want to be a member, and intend to return can be swapped to Operational support

or for any category of membership, the other choice is to leave (with the option of returning some time down the track, should their circumstances change) - but they are no longer sitting on our books, doing nothing!

If someone was a firefighter, and changes to an operational support, and has not attended for 12 months, and we are unlikely to see them again, we take them off the books (following the proper channels of course)

However, we ensure that we send a letter, asking people intentions, to every member of the brigade - no favourites, no specific targetting of individuals - everyone is treated in the same way.

The concept was well received within my brigade.


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: Pipster on July 27, 2008, 09:25:35 AM
Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on July 27, 2008, 06:55:51 AM
We also need to enforce the rule that you just can not turn up at the AGM vote and your brigade does not see you till next year.....

You're right Bill...but it is in the hands of the brigade itself....clean up your membership lists....

Each year, around AGM time, we send a letter to every member of the brigade, asking them tho state their intentions for the upcoming year -
eg stay as a fire-fighter,

those who are fire-fighters, but we haven't seen for some time but still want to be a member, and intend to return can be swapped to Operational support

or for any category of membership, the other choice is to leave (with the option of returning some time down the track, should their circumstances change) - but they are no longer sitting on our books, doing nothing!

If someone was a firefighter, and changes to an operational support, and has not attended for 12 months, and we are unlikely to see them again, we take them off the books (following the proper channels of course)

However, we ensure that we send a letter, asking people intentions, to every member of the brigade - no favourites, no specific targetting of individuals - everyone is treated in the same way.

The concept was well received within my brigade.


But if they say they still want to be a member you cant remove them from the list.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)

SA Firey

Quote from: Cameron Yelland on July 27, 2008, 10:10:20 AM
Quote from: Pipster on July 27, 2008, 09:25:35 AM
Quote from: bill - Hynam CFS on July 27, 2008, 06:55:51 AM
We also need to enforce the rule that you just can not turn up at the AGM vote and your brigade does not see you till next year.....

You're right Bill...but it is in the hands of the brigade itself....clean up your membership lists....

Each year, around AGM time, we send a letter to every member of the brigade, asking them tho state their intentions for the upcoming year -
eg stay as a fire-fighter,

those who are fire-fighters, but we haven't seen for some time but still want to be a member, and intend to return can be swapped to Operational support

or for any category of membership, the other choice is to leave (with the option of returning some time down the track, should their circumstances change) - but they are no longer sitting on our books, doing nothing!

If someone was a firefighter, and changes to an operational support, and has not attended for 12 months, and we are unlikely to see them again, we take them off the books (following the proper channels of course)

However, we ensure that we send a letter, asking people intentions, to every member of the brigade - no favourites, no specific targetting of individuals - everyone is treated in the same way.

The concept was well received within my brigade.


But if they say they still want to be a member you cant remove them from the list.

If they are not attending any training as per the regulations at least 8 times a year they are not complying with the membership rules.Seriously if you have'nt got the commitment then dont hold up a spot for someone who is.
There are many brigades who have waiting lists of people who want to actively contribute to their brigade and community :evil:
Images are copyright


You can remove a person from your membership list for non attendance - but you do need to follow a procedure for it....

Having clear & unambiguous rules makes it easier to remove people down the track.

Having a yearly letter, asking people their intentions, and setting out what each category means, and what is expected from members, means 12 months later, you haven't seen them at all, you can remove them!!

This makes it a very transperant process, that everyone is aware of, and you cannot be accused of being sneaky etc if you do take someone off your list for non-attendance...

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.

Cameron Yelland

We were told recently by a regional staff member that if they dont attend the next 3 meetings after the letter has been sent then they could be removed.

So if they continue to turn up to the meetings you cant delist them?

I couldnt see anything in the rules that stated attending 8 trainings a year.  Maybe thats your brigade constitution?
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


If they keep turning up, it makes it harder to remove a would then only have grounds to remove them if their behaviour was such that it bought CFS into disrepute.

As for the attendance at meetings , it was in the old CFS Act, and I presume carried over to the new SAFECOM Act - that a member must attend a minimum number of meetings each year - the old Act was 12.......

I'd suggest if this was strictly applied, then half of the members of CFS would no longer be members!!!   :evil:

Anyway, it is up to the brigade to enforce this sort of rule....but you do need to be careful - applying it to one "problem child" in the brigade, but not applying it to others is not a good look!!

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Just been having a look at the Act & Regulations.......

Under Subdivision 5, Section 24, of Regulations, it states :

(6)  If a member of an SACFS organisation, without reasonable excuse, fails to attend 3 or more consecutive monthly meetings of the organisation without leave of absence, the organisation may cancel his or her membership.

So you can remove someone for non- attendance in a relatively short period of time...BUT it goes on to say

(7) Before taking action under subregulation (6), the SACFS organisation must give the person a reasonable opportunity to make submissions in relation to the proposed course of action.

So it looks like the requirement to attend 12 meetings a year has either been removed, or exists within the standard constitution of brigades...

But the Act makes it clear you can remove people who don't attend, but only after they have been given an opportunity to make a submission as to why they haven't attended..... but the regs don't define what occurs next...!!

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.

Alan J

I have half an idea the old rule (in the Regs) was to attend >50% of meetings &
scheduled training so as not to penalise brigades who meet monthly or quarterly.

Question - what is this "Operational Support" thing of which you speak.
We tried to create a non-voting class of membership a few years ago in our
constitution, but it was rejected by the Regional Commander. Said there is no room in the Act/Regs for such as membership classification.  Told us to clean
up our books by requiring attendance or removing non-attenders.

The Regs give the circumstances & permission for involuntary de-listing.
The Admin Manual explains (now) how to do it, including sample "tell us your
intentions" and "show cause" letters.

Funnily enough, while you can sack a member, you can't move them to a different
class of membership without their signed agreement.

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Operational support is very similar to Auxillary, or at least thats what i know of that role....its essentially a non-operational firefighter.


Quote from: Alan J on July 27, 2008, 09:20:17 PM
Question - what is this "Operational Support" thing of which you speak.
We tried to create a non-voting class of membership a few years ago in our
constitution, but it was rejected by the Regional Commander. Said there is no room in the Act/Regs for such as membership classification. 

don't think it's to do with voting as auxiliary members can vote too.  In my brigade we included another category of "active auxiliary".  Auxiliary are the traditional womens auxiliary members that do the catering, operate radio, clean station etc but do not touch the trucks or equipment.  Active auxiliary is intended for operational members getting older or suffering an illness and wishing to continue but in a reduced capacity.  These people can maintain equipment (eg. chainsaws, hoses etc), restow/clean appliances upon return from a job, take them for refueling etc.  It's about keeping valued members with many years experience, and/or specific skills, on in the brigade when they are no longer able (or no longer wish to) ride the truck.

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: Pipster on July 27, 2008, 03:36:40 PM
If they keep turning up, it makes it harder to remove a would then only have grounds to remove them if their behaviour was such that it bought CFS into disrepute.

Tried that, doesnt work  :x
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Operation Support is the new name for Auxiliary member, (Under the new act).
Officers were renamed coordinators, and auxiliary were renamed operational support :)


I hope we aren't turning into the UK, most brigades have ditched Station Officer for Watch Manager for fulltime stations and Crew Manager for retained, so instead of "From Station Officer Smith stop for call" its "from Watch Manager Smith stop for call"

I won't be saying "from Crew Co-Ordinator"


Pumprescue,  Hear Hear.

QuoteOfficers were renamed coordinators, and auxiliary were renamed operational support

i think not!...the new act sounds wank.


Sorry, I should clarify its the admin officers that are now coords, eg Comms, Training, Equipment, Logistics etc - not the lieutenants and captain. They are still officers.  I think Seniors are also now classed as officers.


ah thanks mel, nearly suffocated there...


Under the New Act, there are three categories of membership - firefighter, Operational Support & honoury member.

The Firefighter is self explanatory.

Operational Support is what we used to call (at least, in recent times) auxiliary. They are people who are generally active within the brigade in some form - eg comms, catering, Admin etc, but not firefighters.

Honoury members are generally aimed at members who have perhaps been in CFS for some time, but are no longer suitable for active duties, but still want to remain a part of the organisation.     

Firefighters & Op support members are entitled to vote at brigade elections.   Honoury members have no voting rights.


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


I like the idea of the letters, sending a page out is only good if everyone has their pagers turned on (they might be off due to sickness work committements so therefore will not get that page) sending a text message (well I wont even go there as I have a real problem with work dealing with things via text messages - pick up the damn phone or send a letter)
Wattle Range