What is the CFS doing to help those that are really struggling

Started by pumprescue, July 29, 2008, 07:14:02 AM

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It seems that things are getting worse for a number of brigades, constant defaulting and more crews leaving large areas unprotected.

Firstly, those of you that are struggling, has the service picked up on the fact you are struggling, and are they offering assistance to you?

Secondly, those that are struggling, what stratergies are you implementing to solve the issue, this may in fact help others who are in the same boat. Also those that have been in this boat in the past, and are now running well, what did you do.

From my perspective it appears CFS HQ does NOTHINGto help, and seems oblivious that they have large areas compleltly without fire protection. Those that are in dire situations seem to be left to their own devices.

Tell us how things are going for you, we know CFS HQ reads this, might be a good idea to let it all out ?


Part B of the question might be 'is there anything region/hq can actually do?'

Is it simply up to the captains and leaders (if any) in those struggling brigades?  (including mine)

We have >20 people on the books, but only a small handful of truely active.
Is it the captain's responsiblilty to keep ringing/staying in touch with all members and encouraging them? What else should they do?
Continued appeals to the community don't yield much. Do you target people to approach, and if so how do you figure out who (which type of person) to approach?

Sure, it's important to provide a welcoming & encouraging brigade, but if you feel that's being done and it's still hard to motivate crew, what further things should be done?

(Someone will say 'get the inactive ones off your books', which is quite appropriate, but there aren't people lining up to join & we'd rather try and get them active again.)

I'm looking forward to the (constructive) responses to this thread!


Perhaps the image of the CFS needs to be looked at, and reinvented?

We don't just fight scrub fires - for some brigades, winter is busier, we have state of the art PPE and equipment, most of us aren't a bunch of cowboys, etc etc...

If we had anything that resembled a functioning media unit, it would be great. Tough times after raggy left. CFS HQ needs to wake up to what is happening around the state.

At the same time, its up to local brigades to enhance their reputation and standing within the community, as well as educating the locals about the role of the CFS and that the bottom line is that if people don't join, those same people have no fire brigade.

Don't get me started on the recruitment process... THAT needs an overhaul if they want to keep peoples interest.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


So true numbers

We have used a letter drop in the local area and it had a positive effect on out numbers.


So whos seen the CFSVA promo DVD? Didnt really do the services image any justice! Is it really that hard to wear a CFS Tshirt? Especially when you know you are getting filmed for a promo DVD! I mean we look like cowboys/girls. Sorry for the rant but professional image or lack of is a pet hate of mine.



Quote from: K55 on July 29, 2008, 07:06:36 PM
So whos seen the CFSVA promo DVD? Didnt really do the services image any justice! Is it really that hard to wear a CFS Tshirt? Especially when you know you are getting filmed for a promo DVD! I mean we look like cowboys/girls. Sorry for the rant but professional image or lack of is a pet hate of mine.


Good effort at a "feel good" experience....but yes i agree K55.


Why doesn't the CFS then issue T-Shirts to bigade members upon joining? Make them part of standard issue PPE and then there is an immediate boost in 'professional' appearance.

Its not hard to throw a T-Shirt on while turning out.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...




Quote from: bittenyakka on July 29, 2008, 09:30:10 PM
where can we get screening/copy?

Received by post from CFSVA this week, sent to our admin officer with the latest newsletter.


SA Firey

Best recruitment video was Burnside's Video, it showed the serious side of our business portraying many incidents,the private and social life of brigade members and most of all it was.....FUN 8-)

Hail WOODY we want another one :-D
Images are copyright

Alan J

Quote from: pumprescue on July 29, 2008, 07:14:02 AM
It seems that things are getting worse for a number of brigades, constant
defaulting and more crews leaving large areas unprotected.

Firstly, those of you that are struggling, has the service picked up on the fact
you are struggling, and are they offering assistance to you?

In general, "The Service" knows nothing if we volunteers don't tell it that we
have a problem. It employs administrators & trainers, not psychics !  :-D

Secondly, those that are struggling, what stratergies are you implementing to solve
the issue, this may in fact help others who are in the same boat. Also those that
have been in this boat in the past, and are now running well, what did you do.

Got a whole bunch of questions for you as you go down the page...  :-)

What is your Group doing to help the brigade ?

Has the Brigade captain contacted the Regional VSO ?
If so, what has been arranged ?

I would expect something along the lines of a meeting between VSO & management
committee to get an idea of the health of the brigade, its 'attractiveness' to
non-members (internal issues, exclusivity, etc), what has been tried so far,
what worked, what didn't, why the members think others won't join, what do
non-members really say are their reasons for not joining.  In other words, a
brutally honest look at the brigade. You don't neeed a VSO to do this, but it
helps to have a referee present to keep order if there is actually a problem...

You may need to make significant changes to fix problems or make the brigade
more attractive. Moving training so it no longer clashes with footy training
and bingo night for example. 
Or asking a problem member to find another hobby.  :evil:

Then do something different to what you have been doing so far. Target the sort
of people you want in the brigade. Go to them, get involved in their lives.
Or something. Pounce on new people in the district with a welcome pack & invite
to dinner (followed by training down the CFS shed) before the Lions or Rotary do.

We aren't very good at this stuff ourselves yet. But we're working on it &, I think,
starting to make progress.

From my perspective it appears CFS HQ does NOTHINGto help, and seems oblivious
that they have large areas compleltly without fire protection. Those that are in dire
situations seem to be left to their own devices.

Tell us how things are going for you, we know CFS HQ reads this, might be a good idea
to let it all out ?

What have you folks actually done so far ?
How many of your people are actively on-board with attracting members ?

My philosophy is that CFS HQ have no magic wands. 
In the end the brigade stands or falls on its own efforts & merits.
With help of Group & VSO as required.
VSO's *are* CFS HQ offering to help. Make use of them.

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Sorry I can't add anything, as we haven't had issues with recruiting and most people that leave end up coming back, or still catch up with us even if they do leave for good. I think it helps if you have a healthy social side, makes people enjoy it when they feel like going to a call is just another catch up session with fire involved  :-D