Brigade Elections

Started by Cameron Yelland, February 23, 2008, 04:47:19 PM

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Cameron Yelland


Is anyone in the know as to whether members can do an absentee vote at brigade elections or must be present.

Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


it would depend on you constitution i guess  I know in out brigade you need to be present to vote or be voted in


Generally speaking absentee voting is not permitted. See Heysen CFS Group a few years ago an absentee vote was made which directly affected the result. Was deemed to be unconstitional or something and the vote not counted so result was altered.


Would definately check your constitution because it should be written in there as to wether you allow absentee votes or not. If it is written in that they are allowed then that has to be followed, if nothing is in there about it then I very much doubt it could be done
Wattle Range


Find out what your brigade constitution says!

If, like us, you're unaware of any such document in existance for your specific brigade (ie if it did exist, it disappeared in a training exercise shortly before the dark ages), then use the one in the act.

I'm not entirely up to speed on the legalities of such matters, but it is my understanding that a copy of the constitution needs to be in evidence to operate under it.

So, if an alternate one doesn't exist or can't be found, check through the act but I think all brigades, unless otherwise known, adopt the generic constitution. It would be worth, at the AGM, either formally adopting the generic constitution, or acknowledging that's what your operating under if the act dictates that you must.

And I'm afraid, after all that waffle, I can't be bothered checking through the act to see what it says!

Cameron Yelland

i checked the generic constitution in the act but could not find anything about it.  oh well probaly safer to say no not allowed.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


You would need to put a motion forward before your your next AGM and get the ruling in and evan then you will still have to wait for those up the ladder to approve....Check your brigade and group constantution and see what it says.....


I would suggest that this statement in the Regulations suggests that you must be present at the meeting to vote.

11—Brigade elections
(10) Each member of the brigade attending the meeting at which the elections are held is entitled to vote at the elections.

In cases like this, the Regulations override the brigade constitution.

I'd check with your Region's VSO to clarify this well before the meeting, so everyone is clear and there can't be any allegations of bias due to withholding information...


LOLOLO we dont have a VSO...........


At one of our elections we voted a member in as an equipment officer and senior FF in their abscence. They had expressed interest in the jobs before the meeting, and on the night the member was called up on the phone, confirmed their interest, and everybody voted on it.
I personally think that if a majority agree and vote on something then it is in essence 'constitutional' because the majority agreed at the vote. I don't believe that a piece of paper and written 'rules' should always be taken so literally. If everybody is happy then what's the problem. - Don't know if that helps you though. :?


Nothing wrong with voting people into a position, as long as they accept the nomination, in their absence. The issue is with those who are absent calling in votes.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


I'm fairly sure there is nothing wrong with voting someone into a position who is not present at the meeting, the problem is more to do with having votes counted from people who are not there
Wattle Range


As long as that member wants the position then you can voted them into it..


Quote from: COMP00 on February 23, 2008, 04:47:19 PM

Is anyone in the know as to whether members can do an absentee vote at brigade elections or must be present.

Simple - read the regulations part 11 as copied below.

(10) Each member of the brigade attending the meeting at which the elections are held is entitled to vote at the elections.

If a brigade has anything else in its constitution which is contrary to this paragraph, the regulations would take precedence as a brigade constitution must not contravene the Act and Regulations. In short, proxy votes are out!


This is one of the rules in the act I believe should be changed to allow for absentee voting.  If for some reason you are ill or called into work you do not get any say in who your officers will be, and as they will be in charge of all people I strongly believe everyone should be given every opportunity to vote.

With only one or two peaople not being present this may not alter the end result but six votes may!

Exactly how it can be done would require investigation and maybe even a change to the voting system completly.

What are other peoples thoughts on this, or is everyone happy with the current set up.
Log off
(formally 38)

Cameron Yelland

Yeah i read that line but it didnt really state that members couldnt absentee vote...sort of leaves it up to interpretation.

Yeah i agree....lets go with the american election system.....4 year terms? and only allowed to serve 2 terms.  Election campaigns that travel around the brigades district.  Knock on peoples doors explaining your promises for the next 4 years, kiss a few babies, bob's your uncle.   :-D
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


How would absentee voting work if on the night of the election someone put their hand up at the last minute to stand for that position,it does happen both at brigade and group level.I can see absentee voting working but we would need to know who is going to stand for all positions well before the meet...As for terms in office if they are doing good job and are willing to stay on then keep voting them in till they no longer want to do it or till someone else says I would like to have ago...


The solution to the last minute nomination would to have nominations closed and accepted/rejected a week before the date of the meeting. But then its getting far more complicated than it should be.

As far as the fixed terms go. They are great if you have idiots in control, they are terrible if you have the diamond in the rough in control.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


There is a suggestion to change the rules to allow for absentee voting. Before we worry about a minor detail like that, let's look at changing the regulations so that brigade officers can only be elected on competence and experience, and not on popularity, including whether or not they buy drinks after training.
That way, we might get a lot less stuffups on the fireground caused by incompetent officers. Their incompetence might not necessarily be their fault, but the fault should always lie with those who voted them in.

Cameron Yelland

Training and experience are good but without leadership skills they are nothing!
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


On the weekend during one of the breaks it was noted that there isn't a career path for to becoming a UM.
This is true -I explained to the group that a) there is a PD for managers & the reality is that most (including myself) don't meet all of the criteria. b) that you don't need to be a top class rescuer to manage a Unit, but Leadership, Accounting, Emergency Management, HR skills & Resource Management skills would be required. That c) Some units like the way its currently done & that elections would open a can of worms. There was general agreement to this by members of the group who had never been involved with CFS, however those that had disagreed!
Those of you who have done the Brukunga Leadership course would know that Managers manage things, whereas Leaders lead people & are very transient in nature.
So I guess it depends on which side of the fence you sit on, for example we are currently looking for a new UM, the problem we have is that there is only one person in the unit that has put there hand up & even he admits that he isn't the best person for the job. However there are others within the area, who would excel in the position & have extensive Emergency Service experience (but not recently with SES)& others who have brilliant management skills.
If we had elections those individuals would not be considered!
And how would I choose? thankfully I won't have to :wink:
I agree that change sometimes is required & that democracy is important, however if every year its just a popularity contest or worse some one just gets the "guilt trip" put on them & they get voted in How are things going to change?
Maybe the local community should select & vote instead?
Anyway it seems the common thread is competence, leadership & experience & not deep pockets :-D
just another retard!


Quote from: chook on March 03, 2008, 06:25:11 AM
Maybe the local community should select & vote instead?

The topic of elected vs appointed always seems to create discussion.......

But, I think if the position requires the incumbent to run an incident / make operational decisions, then allowing the community to select that person, is a dangerous & very scary thing to do.

On the other hand, if the position was only an Administrator type position, with no operational input, it might not be so bad.....

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


hey all ,

just a question does any one know the ruling on postal vote for the elections is??

are they accepted or is it you dont attend you dont vote??
Phillip H
Salisbury CFS (Para Group)

Cameron Yelland

you have to be in attendence to be able to vote.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Quote from: Firey9119 on July 26, 2008, 07:25:35 PM
hey all ,

just a question does any one know the ruling on postal vote for the elections is??

are they accepted or is it you dont attend you dont vote?

Generally cannot be done , if you arent there you cant vote. See first post on this topic.