Burnside Pumper

Started by uniden, February 15, 2008, 08:27:44 PM

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no no, Crank means kooky, or lunatic. Sadly some of our 'brothers' in certain areas of the State are unsure of correct terminology.

Personally I despise the term crank when its somehow 'related' to firefighting, and all those who use it :)
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Oh well it's good we have that sorted  :-D

Why is it that so many things in CFS are done in such a Hush hush manner? Would it be to much to make CFS a much more transperant organisation or make it so that the lowely Firefighter can get more information without waiting for it to be chewed up and come down the chain.

Yes there are things that are irrelevant to us but how come we don't have a easily  accsessable (eg on the CFS website)  CFS weekly newsletter that comes from the top and would do much to dispell rumors.

I don;t mean to have a go at Burnside but their pumper seems to have been arranged very quietly. yet there are also many other things that although aern't quiet but you only find out about them through delayed channels eg what's happening with training courses LV3, the advanced CFBT course etc?


Bittenyakka, its because you're a lowly, white helmeted, baggy arsed fireman. You don't need to know what those above have planned for us, you should just accept what is given.

After all, they are getting paid the big bucks, so ofcourse they know whats best...right?

To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Anyway in reality Burnside are probably doing another brigade a favour. Do you really think they will be around for the next 20 years to enjoy the appliance anyway?
Treat everyone as if they are an idiot, until they prove you otherwise.


Yes, Yes I do think we will be  :-)


Well i guess if i Firepac is your most crank truck then the Tatra looks pretty good...


Thank god those Australs haven't yet made a dent into the SA fire truck market. Mind you, those RFS chaps have some nice frieghtliners which outdo both the Tatras and Firepacs in the so called 'crank' factor - Don't think they have any Firepacs lying around Tiller.

Burnside is doing the entire service a favour as they are demonstrating that you can get what you want, as long as its done the right way. Also, if their new appliance works as intended it may well pave the way for other brigades...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


nice way to look at things numbers :-D

I think what Burnside is doing is great but the problem is that we all know their correct channels are amounting to huge effort, for the vollies in their brigade, which really sucks to encourage the rest of us to put in the effort of getting good new equipment.


Still waiting till see this appliance. Might not happen.


Castles in the air ,with an appliance parked outside :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman



A Wombat eats roots, shoots and leaves


.  (off topic comment, bak to topic!)


If and when it gets here(there) I guess we can all see what it looks like and what it is..............

Cameron Yelland

Im sure it will happen.  What they are after is completely reasonable.

But if it is going to take 13? years to design an appliance while working with CFS then its not feasible to do it with each brigade.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


There is no need for each brigade to design its own appliance. The CFS have nothing original in the "Heavy Urban Pumper" area, so hopefully Burnsides truck will set a precedent.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


But will this pumper be a once off due to the costing?? and mind you CFS have no money for new stations so how are they going to fit these bigger applinces into stations/sheds that are too small....

Cameron Yelland

It wont be much bigger than a type 2 if at all.

and as far as cost goes it may be slightly dearer than a type 2 but will probaly still come in cheaper than a MFS Pumper maybe?  If the CFS decide they need a few more heavy pumpers than as numbers said this is basically a prototype. 

By the way good point numbers.  As far as each brigade designing there own appliance, its not necessary, but as far as at a regional level than its probaly a good idea.  Something that works in region 5 may not work in region 1 (Height of appliances springs to mind) and obviously vice versa.
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Quote from: uniden on February 23, 2008, 04:14:28 PM
Still waiting till see this appliance. Might not happen.

from what i have heard it is quite definitely happening mate...

COMP00 - sounds too me like it will be a bit bigger than the CFS type 2, and a large amount of $$$...


Perhaps because finally a CFS truck is going to be a 'Fire Truck' not just a Commercial Truck with a firefighting back end.

To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Burnside requested a change of paint scheme as well to go with the innovative appliance??  :evil:

Alan (Big Al)

Fire engine red maybe  :-P :lol:
Lt. Goolwa CFS


finally the kids who grew up with Fireman sam will put 2 and 2 together ;)


Ah the joys of Bumside, not just the firies, but the suburb in general. Here I am thinking Burnside Shopping Mall (actually located in Glenside) made extra wide car parks to fit the Burnside Tractors (eg 4 Wheel Drives) but it was actually for the new fire trucks, what initiative!!


well the new parking lot is a much better improvement on the old one