Burnside Pumper

Started by uniden, February 15, 2008, 08:27:44 PM

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Quote from: ZIPPY28 on February 18, 2008, 10:42:03 AM
Tatra sounds asian. but i could be wrong,  they could be fricken awesome....but ill stick to my racist comment.

Have a look here http://ausfire.fotopic.net/c995895_1.html for pics of a Tatra Demonstration Fire Appliance. :wink:
Stewart Germaine
Minlaton CFS


that really is ... CRANK!  very much a American urban appliance morphed into a Urban/Rural fire appliance with almost too much water onboard!!  (if thats 5.4 meaning 5000L)


Sorry to ask but where does it come from?
just another retard!


Western Australia Fire service...OOPS...sorry, New south Wales :P


just another retard!


Christ. Trust the filtered bushwhackers in the NSWRFS to try to buy a Czech built truck. Its almost as bad as importing a second hand UK truck...

Chook, Tatra is a Czech Republic based Truck manufacturer.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

Cameron Yelland

Quote from: 6739264 on February 18, 2008, 05:24:09 PM
Its almost as bad as importing a second hand UK truck...

That deserves 10 points right there...  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


Thanks Numbers, hadn't heard the name before. Wonder why they even bother trialling it.
just another retard!


If we're not careful the CFS will try to import an old Shand Mason pump  :evil:
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


zippy i hope that was your way of joking about the truck cause it doesnt come from NSW look at the number plates 


The Isuzu is NSWRFS. Other the coming from the former Soviet Union, is there anything else wrong with them?
just another retard!


SESRCR did you read or look at any of the pictures?

"Tatra Demonstration Fire Appliance, proposed by an importer of the Tatra trucks in WA. The truck was with the Kuringgai Braigade when these images were captured."

Its was at a NSWRFS station for evaluation.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quotezippy i hope that was your way of joking about the truck cause it doesnt come from NSW look at the number plates

read 678969696969ner's comment.

Alan J

Quote from: chook on February 18, 2008, 05:33:02 PM
Thanks Numbers, hadn't heard the name before. Wonder why they even bother trialling it.

I get the impression Tatra actually do quite a good truck. Never mistake Czechs or Slovaks for Russian or even Russian quality of manufacture.  Their country was an unwilling member of the old Soviet Union. Their manufacturing & industrial tradition is more like Germany. (Haven't heard anyone slinging off at Mercs lately) Since the Iron Curtain came down, Tatra has been selling quite well against Scania, Merc, Iveco, Fiat & etc. in Western Europe. 

The vehicle was in SA briefly a year or so ago - was spotted onto the Ozfire group.

The chassis is well worth looking at if only for interest' sake, and the extra water might make it an even better option than 34 or 34P's for many brigades.

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Thanks mate, checked out their website - heavy duty military trucks. The chassis system looks very good for off road.
People need to remember that the 4x4 fleet you currently have (Isuzu, Hino) are really an on road truck with a front diff. For true off road capability then some thing like this may be the ticket, Mann produce heavy off road capability, the Unimog wouldn't have the capacity, so you are starting to run out of options.
Anyway as I said the chassis system looks impressive.
Be interesting to see if the NSW RFS picks them up.
just another retard!

Alan J

Here's some footage of stuff they didn't teach us at Brukunga off-road course:

or cringe...
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Looks Good - GVM of 19 Tonne?
Awsome of road capability.
Thanks cheers
just another retard!


that looks like an awesome truck bet it comes with a price tag to match tho


Now that the stuff we'd like get and to ,bet the truck would handle the speed bumps down in Burnsides patch ,no problems :-D

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


The drive tube system is similar to the Unimog except the Tatra has the suspension mounted on the tube as well instead of coils on the end of the half shafts (axles). The Unimogs are awesome off road but poor load carrying capacity.
Wonder what the top speed of the Tatras are?
Anyway they should be cheaper than anything comparable (Unimog, Mann & the American stuff). Good luck trying to get one but, wonder if they will put a rescue pod on one. Should do speed humps alright Jaff.
just another retard!

Alan J

Quote from: chook on February 20, 2008, 04:21:08 PM
wonder if they will put a rescue pod on one. Should do speed humps alright Jaff.

<shrug> there'd probably be something suitable available ex-Czech Republic. Possibly even second-hand from Mother Russia. Maybe even get several per truck including troopie, field ambulance, mobile work-shop, command post & rocket launcher (to assist CFSVA/SESVA negotiating position...) 

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


I like your thinking :-D While I was on the Varley site they had a photo of a rebuilt Merc 911 appliance, a Mack & Unimog - they bought back happy memories(can't believe they rebuit the Mergs though!).
But your right of course there would be plenty of options around for a rescue body for the Tatra.
It would depend on the COST though.
just another retard!


Did somebody say that tatra thing is crank, no way, i don't think you people understand the word crank... maybe if it was an FDNY tiller.


hehe tillerman..Its just looks to be a good rural build truck.


doesn't crank just mean big awesome and something you wish you had in your station?