Private/Fixed Alarms

Started by Cameron Yelland, February 14, 2008, 02:32:33 PM

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Cameron Yelland


Was reading through the SOP's and came across 4.5 Responding to Automatic Fire Alarms.

One line says "Crews donned in CABA will undertake investigation of the affected circuit(s).  They should be prepared to undertake offensive firefighting & rescue if required."

How does your brigade investigate a circuit that has activated?  Do you carry a fire extinguisher with you? Halligan tool? Ladder?

It is obvious you wouldnt be dragging hoselines through the building so what does your brigade do?
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


BA donned, usually an extinguisher from the premises or appliance if none on premises, and the halligan...


Pretty much the same as Mack, always full PPE and BA, have had working jobs at alarms, we sure as hell don't take managements word for it or drop round in the command car or ute !!  I guess people have alarms for a reason and if the fire service puts in a half arsed effort then you may as well take the alarms out and just ring 000.


BA, CO2 Extinguisher, Halligan, Axe, High-rise Kit.

Makes things pretty simple if it is a going job. The high-rise kit is an easy way to carry a length of 38 and a branch, as well as other goodies.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Quote from: 6739264 on February 14, 2008, 05:20:38 PM
BA, CO2 Extinguisher, Halligan, Axe, High-rise Kit.

Makes things pretty simple if it is a going job. The high-rise kit is an easy way to carry a length of 38 and a branch, as well as other goodies.

Got any more info or a photo of that high-rise kit numbers?
Sounds interesting, how often is it used?

Cameron Yelland

High Rise Kit - 2x38mm, 1xurban attack branch & hardners?

Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)


alright, fair enough, its basically a quick response kit?
Ready made to speed things up a bit?
Good idea


Plus a hydrant/booster cabinet key.


It contains: 1x38mm branch, 1x38mm hose length (these are pre-connected), mallet, jemmy bar, hydrant wheel, booster cabinet key, coupling keys, short line, reflective door tags, torch.. Thats all I can think of off the top of my head, basically everything and anything that you could need to gain access inside a building and get the internal hydrants to work. I'll try to get in to take some pictures shortly.

They are kept in a standard CFS canvas duffel bag the same as blankets or general purpose rope.

They aren't used in action as 'high rise' kits that often - due to the lack of high rises that burn around here. They are used for alarm calls in buildings where we have internal hydrant fittings, pillar hydrants located close to entrances or where there is a decent trek from the appliance to the entrance point of a structure. They are great for houses with long driveways etc etc.

The basic premise when used at a domestic job is that it allows the BA operators to carry their initial attack length with them to their entry point, so they can get set up and be ready to enter once the hose lay is completed. It's a waste of time with short driveways and normal suburban building placement, but when you have a long long driveway and restricted access for a large pumper, then it can be a godsend.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


search the building with BA crews and find the alarm that called you.


Quote from: bittenyakka on February 15, 2008, 07:19:43 AM
search the building with BA crews and find the alarm that called you.

and when you find the reason it called you..... run back to the truck because your completely unprepared?


Quote from: mack on February 15, 2008, 11:21:24 AM
and when you find the reason it called you..... run back to the truck because your completely unprepared?

But mack! Nothing ever comes of alarms, they are *always* false. :D
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


This SOP really only matters if you're the first arriving appliance.

23 mins to get going and arrive = the building is now a carpark or mets have arrived long before Compton


wow, hicks is back with some insightful thoughts for us?

what happened took a few weeks for the camel to bring in the diesel to run your generator so now youve finally got power back?


Na just been busy with Brandine and the inbred young-ins

Cameron Yelland

how can you argue with a slack jawed yokel?  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Compton CFS Brigade
(Formally Comp00)