Lets start the BMI debate again. Im 183cm, 97kg, my BMI is 29.0 This puts me at the top end of 'Overweight' (BMI 30+). If we look at the recent proposal regarding obesity that includes shifting the definition of 'Overweight' to a BMI between 22.3 - 27.0, with anything above being classed as 'morbidly obese', then I can only imagine the classification issues it will bring forth for BA courses etc. For myself then to be classed in my "Ideal weight" I would have to look like a malnourished child from a third world country. You could use my rib cage as a xylophone.
The main problem arises when things are classed on BMI alone, such as having the max BMI for BA. As long as people are open minded about a persons fitness and do not pigeonhole them due to a number determined rather poorly, then we should all be ok.
I'm all for volunteer fitness, just so long as a common sense approach is taken.