CFS Media Release : Gold Coin for Geoff Appeal

Started by bajdas, February 09, 2008, 03:48:06 PM

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9 February 2008 - 1:00 PM

Media Release : Gold Coin for Geoff Appeal

Fundraising Appeal


Watch the Appeal Launch Video on YouTube

In November 2006, Mount Bryan CFS Brigade fire fighter Geoff Buyrn's life changed forever. Geoff was responding to a fire when the truck he was driving rolled over on a steep hill side. It happened in just a few seconds. Geoff is now a quadriplegic and requires daily therapy and support. His positive spirit, fierce determination and great big smile are an inspiration to all of us.

To help our injured mate, the CFS, CFS Foundation and CFS Volunteers Association are launching a fundraising campaign: 'GOLD COIN FOR GEOFF'

CFS staff and members across South Australia are encouraged to dig deep and donate a gold coin to help make Geoff's life that little bit easier. Your generosity will assist him in many ways such as setting up a computer system so he can stay in touch with friends and family.

Proudly supported by the SA Country Fire Service, the CFS Foundation and the CFS Volunteer Association.

Click on the URL below to go to the full text of the message
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


I assume I can go to CFS at Waymouth St to make a donation ??
Can someone confirm please.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


I would say so as H/Q does have a brigade,well done that CFS is going to help Geoff and today i have emailed that media link to those in my brigade and group and I am hoping that they will all get behind this and have a group BBQ and we would pass the hat around... we could also have a couple of SAFIREFIGHTER BBQ's around the state what do people think???


Sounds good to me. As my computer never lets me hear the youtube clips I have no idea what was being said so no idea how to go about donating
Wattle Range


From the information sent to brigade Captains, donations can be made in the following manner:

Send a Cheque, payable to "CFS Foundation" and post to Gold Coin for Geoff, C/- Business Manager CFS, PO Box 2468  Adelaide SA 5001

Deposit funds via Electronic transfer (I have the details - PM me if you want them)

Receipts can be issued for amounts over $2, if requested.

Brigades are encourage to collect the "gold coin for Geoff" within their brigade.

Blinky, I love the idea of a SAFF get together, and raise some funds.....perhaps we could have a few around the state......

Any thoughts on some locations ?

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


How about one in each region as most members would be able to attend any function may be hold it at a large station which has a group base.One could be held here in Naracoorte with catering would also be a good chance to meet other members from all services wjile enjoying a BBQ......Would want to do it while its still warm....


Bill, in response to your challenge at the CFSVA meeting last week for all brigades to match Naracoorte and donate $100, Penola will do the same.

Edit; further to that, if a bbq was organised at Naracoorte, I'd be pretty confident of bringing a few of our crew along. Sounds like a good idea.


I am happy to donate money to assist Geoff but is anyone else worried about the bigger picture here?  As far as workcover and OH&S and all that goes, he was injured "at work" (CFS member attending an incident) so why are the workcover payments and additional topup insurance (funded by the VFBA) not enough?  (by the way I am not doubting that they are not enough)

It makes me a bit nervous that I am sure my income is higher than Geoff's was yet if a similar injury was to happen to me then the money I would receive would be a fraction of my normal income and, I believe(?), cut out altogether after a short time.

In my case I have my own life and income protection insurance via my superannuation but many people do not, particularly the income protection.  So what is failing here?  is it workcover?  something seems not right in the way this system is operating.


is there in fact anything wrong with the workcover payments to geoff at all?

or is CFS just setting a dangerous precedent by setting up thuis foundation?

will they do the same every time such a tragedy may occur?


I could be very off the mark here, but was he not the driver of the appliance? The media release tends to suggest this was the fact, so that would almost put him at fault?

I am more than happy to put money into situation where one of our comrades is injured, but at the same time, as with others, I would like to know about workcover/top up etc, and the CFS and what is being done above the level of a community donation.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

SA Firey

Would also be nice to know how much has been raised for Geoff so far, apparently the response has been overwhelming :-)
Images are copyright


I have tonite emailed Wendy at the VFBA and asked for a update on how the gold coin is going,further more I sure as hell would hope that if anything every happend to myself while doing my CFS duty that my family was well looked after by the insurance that CFS pay but also by the kind donations that come from with in the fire service and from the public.   

As for the BBQ I shall get the ball rolling soon have been a little busy will need to seek the OK from the brigade and the group but I can't see a problem....



I have just had a email back from Wendy,so far around $8000 has been raised for Geoff and more is coming in,so far so good le's hope more will be raised is anyone else looking at having a event??