Rank in SAAS

Started by boredmatrix, January 29, 2008, 03:04:49 PM

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Quote from: Mike on January 29, 2008, 10:46:28 AM
Non-operational ranks (admin, equip, comms etc) dont wear epaulets in the field down our way, as we find people get confused about who they need to talk to.

ain't that the truth.  Try working with St John volunteers at any major event - every second person has more birdshi t on their shoulders than the EH after it's been under the tree for 2 days!

SAAS don't have any designated rank structure at all - and eppaulettes went out the window about 17 years ago!


I believe the only scene rankings SAAS have are commander and clinician, which strap onto there vests/jackets.


saas have no rankings at all only VTL CTL RTL

thats it the commander clinician tags are major scene so incoming crews know who is running what commander runs the job the clinician looks after the injury's and triage.   


Quote from: sesroadcrashrescue on January 29, 2008, 05:18:09 PM
saas have no rankings at all only VTL CTL RTL

What do the acronyms mean   :?
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


I though this was about rank in SES? Not SAAS?
Treat everyone as if they are an idiot, until they prove you otherwise.


Quote from: safireservice2009 on January 30, 2008, 09:53:19 AM
I though this was about rank in SES? Not SAAS?

Yeh but I curious...or do you want another thread for a one-off quick question ??
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


sorry i forget not everybody knows them  VTL= volunteer team leader RTL= regional team leader CTL clinical team leader

VTL look after the admin at volly teams

RTL look after a group of volly teams

CTL look after a station sometimes a group of paid teams

but its not like captain lt1 lt2 or anything they just make sure we are up to standard and get the paper work done all it is, is some one taking responsibility for the team


thanks mate didn't know what those letters mean either.
just another retard!


Quote from: sesroadcrashrescue on January 30, 2008, 12:54:12 PM
sorry i forget not everybody knows them  VTL= volunteer team leader RTL= regional team leader CTL clinical team leader

VTL look after the admin at volly teams

RTL look after a group of volly teams

CTL look after a station sometimes a group of paid teams

but its not like captain lt1 lt2 or anything they just make sure we are up to standard and get the paper work done all it is, is some one taking responsibility for the team

CTL is a TL of a career team.  End of.

metro SAAS is now lateral shift teams, so one team consists of the two para's from each station in their area.

SA Firey

As well as:
OM8 and we all know who he is :-D
Images are copyright


Quote from: SA Firey on January 31, 2008, 12:03:46 PM
As well as:
OM8 and we all know who he is :-D

And the rest!!

FYI alot of the RTL callsigns have changed. Just to keep everyone on their toes! :)


yep SAAS has restructured for the new year and now have three regions with new names

operations south
operations central
operations north

so call signs are now OS OC ON


surely the positions; ambulance officer, paramedic, ICP , then TLs could be refered to as a form of rank? as they are accredited to differant levels?

just curious... ive never really thought about it before.


More a level of direction Mack. - You may have a few paramedics at a scene, and an ICP will arrive. - The ICP won't neccessarily take over the Commander role, as their skills in treating / triage and different levels of protocol may be more valuable. Same as some area managers or CTL's who I think most often are also ICP's (boredmatrix might be able to confirm?)..

But sure, if the sheit was hitting the fan, the likes of an RTL (baseline manager) or Area Manager etc would step in and take the scene.


thats interesting - I apparently started this thread....but I only just come across it!!  You mods have an interesting concept of security!!

CTL's in metro are now referred to as ACTLS (area CTL) due to the change to lateral shift teams. 

Majority of ACTL's are ICP - but relievers are not necessarily so.


I think they split the thread from the SES one mate and just started with your post.

I find lots of threads by hitting the "Unread Posts since Last Visit" button.. - Top left of screen under total login time. :)


Quote from: RescueHazmat on February 01, 2008, 02:43:07 PM
I think they split the thread from the SES one mate and just started with your post.

I guessed as much - but any chance to keep someone on their toes........ :evil:


ambo para icp is just the clinical levels nothing to fancy just more protocols and treatment possibilities.   


Quote from: sesroadcrashrescue on February 01, 2008, 06:03:07 PM
ambo para icp is just the clinical levels nothing to fancy just more protocols and treatment possibilities.   

we all treat the same thing - ABC's......

but A/O Vs Para Vs ICP - just all have differing methods of doing it!

the job of any ambulance staff is quite simple really - keep the pt alive until they reach hospital - it keeps the coroner happy!   :evil: