I suppose there are a few questions to be asked before we put ads on TV:
"What are we trying to achieve?" and "Who is our target audience"
Research from Dr Judy Esmond in Western Australia, in relation to volunteering, indicates that most people join a volunteer organisation because someone (personally) asked them to.
From her research, only a very small proportion of people joined a volunteer organisation because they saw an ad on TV (from memory, about 1 % or less- but the memory is a little fuzzy.....)
So, as a recruiting tool, TV ads are not that useful. For other purposes (like awareness of the service, perhaps trying to encourage donations etc) it may be useful (but I am not aware of of the research re this, so I don't know it's effectiveness)
Having said that, the Surf Lifesaving ads I remember from a few years ago (and they may be the ones they have now, but not sure, as I don't watch too much TV!), where you have people on a bus, obviously travelling to work, and one asks "what did you do on the weekend" - and we get vision of what one of the passengers did - Surf Life saving, and saved a life.....
Excellent ad - although it didn't want to make me join them - but it sent shivers down my spine, so it had some effect.....
In these days of budgets and accountability, organisations need to look at what they get for the dollars they spend..... so paying for TV ads may not give organisations too much bang for their buck....but it depends on what you are trying to achieve.....