Could CFS brigades form SES units?

Started by chook, December 22, 2007, 05:43:21 PM

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You guys don't seem to keen on letting the CFS expand rescue. :wink:

Oddly enough our two ideas are practically identical, it all boils down to a combined effort on the Rescue/Salvage/Storm + Tempest issues is the only way to bring the best service to the community.

It makes sense for towns to not be stretched between 100 different volunteer groups, both CFS and SES seem to be having enough issues as it is even in large townships retaining members especially for the 9-5 call outs.

I'd be all for cross crewing and maybe eventually having everything bundled into one, but by god are there some people out there who just will not tolerate the other service (Both SES, CFS and MFS members)

I used to be one of those people, sadly it was mostly due to the members of the neighboring units, but hey, heres to seeing the big picture!
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


I'm all for cross training and I'm not sure about SES preventing CFS expanding except when it impacts on SES units i.e now we know how to do this lets shut them (SES) down. I've trained CFS members in landsearch before no dramas, been on vertical courses with CFS same.Can't get on a BFF1 though!
I have repeatedly ask our CFS/MFS counterparts to come and play with our gear, nothing yet!
As I said before this was all about getting new resources & training into areas, where currently there isn't much.
I said previously it was only an idea, you might actually pick up new people that don't want to fight fires! It is obvious from some of the posts that the point was missed - CFS could run more courses? (why when they are not the lead agency)equipment from groups? New buildings? May not need new vehicles?
Anyway I think I've said enough on this, may be in the future people may change their minds.
just another retard!


we have asked our MFS/CFS to come and play with our gear and both have said that we would have to do it on a Monday night as they wont change nights or come out a second night we will go to them we have invited both services to come and go through the new station had one MFS member so far and a few CFS members come in after a job once thats it same again we cant get to play with there gear or get members on a BFF1 so we can do CFS assist we only have a few members trained to do so. 

also had the saas team up there and they had no interest in having ago with the the gear i dont think either of the fire services here have any intrest on helping us or covering our area when we are out