GPS need a new one whats good

Started by jaff, January 25, 2008, 04:30:17 PM

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Looking for some feedback and advice on GPS units,what do brigades run ? whats good? whats bad???

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman


our brigade just got a grant and bought a Garmin STP7200 and so far we are very impressed. apparently it is one of the few guidance units that can take grid references.


Bittenyakka how much was it? does it have topograghical mapping ? does it do urban UBD style mapping? colour screen?

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman



Question:  What do you want it to do and how much do you want to spend.


Have used an older style Garmin MAP60CSX which was great for backup navigation in the bush & also for tracking where you have been. Topo and street maps can be updated & provide reasonable detail.

Good interface to OziExplorer software.

More modern versions are available, but as stated by others it depends on the job you want it for....

I am currently debating with a small USB GPS ( to interface with a laptop when I return from a bushwalk because it is very light & cheap, & I can use it within the car when I courier..or a Garmin eTrex ( with maps inbuilt.

Personally I do not like the in-car navigation because the delay can be 50m + (which means you are past the corner to turn when it tells you) or screen cannot be viewed in sunlight or the plotted route is not what you want.

Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Sorry Itdan ,I should have put more detail into my first post in regards to specifications .Ideally the unit would a largish screen 4 inches or so ,colour screen and ideally be able to do both contour style offroad mapping as well as UBD street pilot style costwise $800-1000ish but will look into grants to see if we can subsidise costs.
Had a look at the unit that Bittenyakkas brigade has just got and it looks a ripper but $1700 would crucify the budget.

Cheers Jaff.
Just Another Filtered Fireman



Knackers I think you probably have it nailed :-D

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman




Currently as I am to believe their is only one unit which convers UTPS and SAT NAV and that is the GARMIN Quest.  This unit has just had an upgrade from its original unit but to me it appears not to be very user friendly.  But this is typical with GARMIN (my own opinion).

Currently Magellan sells a unit called Magellan Crossover which provides SATNAV and crossover refrences to topograhical maps.  Meaning you can use it as a street directory and when you wish to use it as a topgrahic machine you can by a press of a button.

My brigade just installed one into our 24 appliance and it seems to work very well and is at a very good price.  24v compatible so you can either direct wire it into the electrical system or place in your cigarette lighter. 

The Magellan Crossover is about $1100.00 and we purchased through CARTO GRAPHICS which is a cartographer on Unley Road in Adelaide.  Alex is the guy who owns the company and he came to our station and gave us a variety of demo units to try.

Remember that it does not do UTPS so it you want a grid refrence you need a separate unit.  But a good unit for this is GARMIN GPS 60, I think this unit is a good unit have one of my own and we use these units at work (even as I am a GARMIN hater).

Rember Jaff, technology jumps in leaps and bounds so it is a good recomendation to speak to someone in the know like a cartographer as their might be a easy to use unit which does the lot.

PM me if you wish to know anymore.



Ltdan thanks for the advice will contact Carto Graphics

Cheers Jaff
Just Another Filtered Fireman