East Torrens Group Base

Started by David, May 22, 2008, 08:34:15 AM

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Came across this page.  As I understand it there isn't a brigade at Uraidla so is this Group Base not attached to a station.
If so is this the only one, I'm not aware of any other.
How does the group go with operational running it, normally a brigade would start an incident and the same people would run the group base as needed.  So does this group have a group support or similar.
On top of all that I'm surprised they got the finances to duplicate communications etc above whats avaiable in current stations.

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Alan (Big Al)

Kyeema group base is a seperate building as is chaffey group i think.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Well there isn't a brigade at uradila and this project has been happerning for a while now.

It isn't yet operational hence the fortnightly working bees.
And i don't know much about the funding other than most of the project has been done by vollunteers and their abilities to get things when it is cheep or at lower prices.

?And lastly there isn't much funding there hence working bees.

Now I know one reason for this is that at large incedents with the group base open oftern the brigade gets kicked out of their station. is that fair? I know bridgewater did back in the march 07 fire and look at pandarna in december last year


Mt Gambier group and Wattle Range group have bases not attached to stations. They have Operations brigades that man them though.


Can anyone expand on the East Torrens group base?   Does anyone know where it is, and what?  Is it someones back shed or have they managed to get a commercial premises to move into?


I think this is one of the Regional Level/type 3 bases being established? My understanding is that they are establishing many around the state?

But I here that all is not going well as some brigades and group bases are being forcibly taken over without a whimper. But some of the smart ones are resisting with good reason.After all many of these were built with community money and really hard work!!!!
I think you have already named one example who are not willing to bend over and take it up the ****.They have offered to help but under their conditions.

After situations like was mentioned above, where brigades were tossed out of their stations for long periods.

It makes good sense for these Bases to be in a safe zone maybe attached to a shopping centre/clear area or football oval away from the danger zone. Many sheds are near to heavy timber/grassland areas. As for Lofty Group why not site the group @ Burnside which is well away from the Adl Hills hotspots as is Mawson Base situated in a clear zone by the footy club.
The biggest mistake you can make is doing it wrong AGAIN!


Why do you need something permanent for a AIIMS Level 3 deployment ? Why not the portable pod and use of community halls/sporting facilities ?
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Quote from: CFS_Firey on May 23, 2008, 12:18:19 PM
Can anyone expand on the East Torrens group base?   Does anyone know where it is, and what?  Is it someones back shed or have they managed to get a commercial premises to move into?

The East Torrens group base will be in the Uraidla RSL hall/rooms, it is in the main street(Greenhill road) of Uraidla. As the Uraidla RSL branch had died off the premises had been left disused for a number of years and was in need of some repairs to get it up to a useable standard, as I've been told!

Just Another Filtered Fireman


You are correct Jaff...but perhaps to expand a little more on the comments.

The RSL offered the building to the East Torrens Group, with only a few conditions - that the RSL members be able to access the RSL Memorabilia inside the Hall, and to maintain those items.

After 5 (or was it 6 or more?) years of negotiation, the lease was finally signed for the CFS to take over the Hall.

In that time, the building did deteriorate - but even when first offered, if needed work to ensure it didn't leak etc, and needed modifications to make it suitable for a Group base.

The advantage of this building is that it is more centrally located within the Group area, has ample parking (including on the local footy oval and showgrounds immediately adjacent to it - and multiple strike teams can enter the parking, away from the building and main road, but be only a few metres from the building), is located on a main road, (easy to get to) is nearby to fuel, local food shops (who are very helpful to us, even at 3 am in the morning when we ring them for urgent supplies!) and nearby to the local pub for food, if required, and more.

Having a Group Base separate to a brigade station , in my experience, makes life a lot easier (and happier) for both the brigade, and an IMT during larger incidents....

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Sounds great!  How are the renovations pressing? Will it be operational by next fire season?


I would guess that is the plan but it will depend on how many people are able to give their time on the Thursday working bees


Not sure of the timing (I missed the last group meeting!!)

The place has had new windows all round, the old ceiling removed, holes cut in the relevant bits of wall, to create a suitable radio room area, the old kitchen removed...

The Iron for the roof will be arriving soon....hopefully it'll be ready by next season....  :-)

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.