Introduction of aerial appliances to the CFS

Started by 6739264, December 17, 2007, 10:58:10 AM

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With rumours that the CFS are finally going to build a real fire appliance for Burnside, should they also look at introducing Aerial Appliances to areas that need them, or should this remain the domain of SAMFS?

An area like Mt. Barker for example, that has recently had a large number of housing developments, a very large commercial shopping complex built, and multiple long standing industrial complexes could most certainly do with Aerial Appliance.

Nothing like a Bronto, that can't work stand alone, but something like an MFS Skyjet, that can act as both a normal Pumper with urban stowage and a Aerial when needed. It would allow an area like Mt. Barker to have two Pumpers, one with rescue stowage, one with just urban firefighting stowage.

The flip side is, what to do about training, driving, license requirements etc. etc. It would be a large cost outlay for the CFS. Would it be better to just wait for the MFS to build a station in the area? Or should the CFS take a stand and attempt to try and deliver best service it can to the community with state of the art equipment?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Doesn't this go against your other arguments in other posts (duplication) :wink:
In all seriousness if the risk is there now, then it needs to happen now.
just another retard!


Quote from: chook on December 17, 2007, 11:01:00 AM
Doesn't this go against your other arguments in other posts (duplication) :wink:
In all seriousness if the risk is there now, then it needs to happen now.

Never fear, SAFECOM is here! No such thing as duplication!  :-P
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


the risk/need is definitely there, however i cant imagine CFS actually doing it.... makes too much sense.

but there are a lot of areas that definitely need it, for instance were starting to see 3 storey houses popping up in our area, as well as the heavily commercial areas.... and places like barker & stirling(yes we know, the age old MFS are coming) as well as some country areas (Naracoorte??) could probly use them as well.

SA Firey

It will only be a matter of time before CFS move in the CFA direction and have retained staff/volunteer and aerial appliances.Skyjets would be the way to go.

The demographics will dictate that and as we all know SAFECOM is coming so we will all end up as one service eventually. :roll:
Images are copyright


Safecom will probably have a town like Mt Barker have a single brigade with a Skyjet, Rescue, 34, Salvage.   Combining the Members of two services, to make a 50+ member brigade.  With a paid staff or two to keep track of operations/admin/finance etc.

Bring it on, for the first time im happy about this sort of "Cost Saving" as it opens up more funds for other area's.



So blinky if it was determined that an aeriel appliance was required for naracoorte you would support the MFS reopening a station?

It would be nice to say just let the MFS do it but unfortunately thats not always a feasible option


Quote from: SA Firey on December 19, 2007, 12:13:48 AM
It will only be a matter of time before CFS move in the CFA direction and have retained staff/volunteer and aerial appliances.Skyjets would be the way to go.
"There will only ever be one paid fire service in South Australia"


Quote from: Zippy on December 19, 2007, 09:07:04 AM
Safecom will probably have a town like Mt Barker have a single brigade with a Skyjet, Rescue, 34, Salvage.

A Rescue AND a Salvage hey?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Consider an area like the Barossa, hefty investment in huge infrastructure. Multi Storey buildings and extreme risk.

The nearest sky jet is at Oakden probably a solid forty minute drive to Nuri even with the assistance of green lights all the way. Surely a brigade like Tanunda, Nuri, Lyndoch should have appliances proportionate to the risk covered.

The risk should determine the appliances in stations not if the service providers are paid a wage or not. 8-)


How about getting some decently equipped pumpers first. Amazing what you can do with a monitor.


Agree Pumpers, monitors and skyjets..... :wink:


The remotely operated monitors on the newer CFA pumpers are pretty handy.


No need for such an applinace down here in Naracoorte,the town mains could not support the flow rate that it would need to work.MFS are only an hour away if we need the sky jet..MFS would never reopen here as the FREE volunteer service does a good job.....



you take what ever they have on offer..........


yeh...and it would more than likely be a recycled skyjet on a new chassis  :|


Quote from: bittenyakka on December 20, 2007, 02:30:38 PM
why skyjet as opposed to teleboom etc?
Skyjet/Telesquirt/Teleboom/Nova Quintech - same general idea, different names.

Shall I be more exact and suggest any appliance that is a stand alone pumper, that has a Telescopic Boom attached to the roof?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...

big bronto

It is good to look at these sorts of appliances but no offence to keep up the training and having competent operators of a skyjet would not work in the cfs, cfs do not do enough calls to maintain skills on operators and it would put more pressure on volunteers to regularly train and operate the appliance at jobs.

Mt Gambier have a skyjet to cover the southeast, barossa if anyone was to get a skyjet it would be the retained crew at tanunda, north there are many retained station that could station a skyjet, west coast could go to lincoln or whyalla and a skyjet to mt barker would not take long at all.

CFS need to invest in putting monitors on all their pumpers, the need for a skyjet needs to be looked at, do you want this appliance for rescue capabilities or just firefighting?? what i mean is are you using it for a block of flats or housing or just a few big factories/ shops you may have in your area.


QuoteMt Gambier have a skyjet to cover the southeast, barossa if anyone was to get a skyjet it would be the retained crew at tanunda, north there are many retained station that could station a skyjet, west coast could go to lincoln or whyalla and a skyjet to mt barker would not take long at all.

There is a Skyjet going to Port Lincoln soon, this is mainly due to the new multi storey hotel development on the foreshore.


Quote from: rescue5271 on December 20, 2007, 11:50:13 AM
No need for such an applinace down here in Naracoorte,the town mains could not support the flow rate that it would need to work.MFS are only an hour away if we need the sky jet..MFS would never reopen here as the FREE volunteer service does a good job.....

I love that: "only an hour away" (assuming not already busy I presume), so good for overhaul / mopping up then!


Just use the monitor on our pumper..............


Quote from: big bronto on December 20, 2007, 08:32:30 PM
It is good to look at these sorts of appliances but no offence to keep up the training and having competent operators of a skyjet would not work in the cfs, cfs do not do enough calls to maintain skills on operators and it would put more pressure on volunteers to regularly train and operate the appliance at jobs.

the brigades with risks worthy of these sorts of appliances do more jobs than most (if not all??) the retained stations you mention.

it may suprise you but most CFS brigades train weekly, perform upskills, and attend other training courses.... much the same as MFS retainees.


Monitors are a great idea, just a little difficult to direct it down onto the roof space of a large building... :wink:
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...