Started by SA Firey, December 11, 2007, 07:09:46 PM

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Quote from: Zippy on December 31, 2007, 08:40:33 AM
just have a strike that involves less available pumpers to be the potentional future.
That already happens now, its what they call "reduced response". So they wouldnt be breaking any new ground there.
Treat everyone as if they are an idiot, until they prove you otherwise.


SAMFS have had many strikes over the years, but the firefighters STILL go to work. Just the paperwork etc will not be done


Could do a nude stop work meeting that would attract attention :evil:
Seriously the UFU & SAMFS need to come up with a solution which is cost neutral.
Nobody cares if they don't do the paperwork
just another retard!


They care when you don't charge for instalation jobs etc



Did you see how many firefighters have been paid over $100k in the last 12 months due to overtime?

They could drop that back to no overtime and employ another 50 full time firefighters!

What a rollercoaster ride the whole application process was. I think I might wait a few years before applying again. You get such a massive buzz doing the testing, and then get shattered.


Quote from: SA FIREFIGHTER on January 01, 2008, 03:05:48 PM
They care when you don't charge for instalation jobs etc

it's funny how strikes don't work any more - but as soon as you threaten to lose income - the govt and management suddenly sit up and listen!!  the ways of unions is changing - but the ambo's have over 97% membership - a rather self explanatory system?

The AEA has found that hitting the Gov't in the hip pocket is the best way to get action with the Rann Gov't.  The last round of industrial action didn't result in strikes, but rather the billing copy of every case card went in the shredder, or just had no patient details in it - and costs the gov't somewhere in the vicinity of $100 000/day

SA Firey

The latest news from the UFU SA is a push for one Fire Emergency Service organisation.

Interesting read
Images are copyright


A very interesting read especially when compared to the CFSVA submission.
Would like to see the SESVA submission too if it has been completed.
One of the common themes (in both the UFU & CFSVA)is the role of SAFECOM & what has it actually delivered?
The other is keeping SAFECOM out of operational matters, this is very different to the FESA & QLD model (in the higher level stuff anyway)that is floated on this forum.
Will the review take all of this stuff on board? Who knows, as it would mean major change to current thinking. There is also some empires & reputations on the line :wink:
As I said I wouldn't mind seeing the SESVA take on this, if there is one.
I did notice one thing though most of both submissions content is around the SAFECOMs relationship with the ESO's & the composition of the board. Not much around the operational side of things.
Finally thanks to the UFU for pointing out an anomaly that exists in the WR&C Act & the volunteer protection stuff in the F&ES Act
I think we are in for interesting times ahead.
just another retard!


QuoteThe UFU believes the future for the South Australian Fire and Emergency sector is the
consolidation of Emergency Sector Organisations. In doing so the UFU believes the South
Australian Community will be best served by one single service; Fire, Emergency and
Rescue Services operating through one operational entity.

now thats a bold statement ;)

Alan J

The UFU believes the future for the South Australian Fire and Emergency sector is the
consolidation of Emergency Sector Organisations. In doing so the UFU believes the South Australian Community will be best served by one single service; Fire, Emergency and Rescue Services operating through one operational entity.

yet futher down we see this:

T.O.R. 6 – Individual Agencies as separate Legal Entities
The UFU supports the current legislative framework recognizing the three Emergency
Service Organisations as separate legal entities. The UFU also submit no changes to the autonomy of the organisations should be entertained.

I'm a bit confused.  Any of you UFU peoples care to clarify ?
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Quote from: StopCallKing on January 23, 2008, 11:29:36 PM
The UFU believes the future for the South Australian Fire and Emergency sector is the
consolidation of Emergency Sector Organisations. In doing so the UFU believes the South Australian Community will be best served by one single service; Fire, Emergency and Rescue Services operating through one operational entity.

yet futher down we see this:

T.O.R. 6 – Individual Agencies as separate Legal Entities
The UFU supports the current legislative framework recognizing the three Emergency
Service Organisations as separate legal entities. The UFU also submit no changes to the autonomy of the organisations should be entertained.

I'm a bit confused.  Any of you UFU peoples care to clarify ?

I think they just want to hold the purse strings. Keep the lions share of the funding and throw the scraps to the rest.
Treat everyone as if they are an idiot, until they prove you otherwise.


Quote from: chook on January 23, 2008, 06:31:36 AM
Would like to see the SESVA submission too if it has been completed.

Talk to your SASESVA rep at Loxton. A submission was created by SASESVA as well as a submission by SAFECOM Advisory Board.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


But Andrew, shouldn't they be available like the CFS & UFU ones are? - What if you aren't a member of the association?
But at least they have done something :wink:
just another retard!


Now this statement will shake things up a bit....

could CFS members join the UFU   :-o


Quote from: chook on January 24, 2008, 01:03:41 PM
But Andrew, shouldn't they be available like the CFS & UFU ones are? - What if you aren't a member of the association?
But at least they have done something :wink:

Ahhh, ask your Loxton based rep that question. He is on the SAFECOM Board as well.

I was not voted in at the last SASESVA election so I cannot answer. But I have some theories which will stay out of the public domain (otherwise I will get told off again)
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


No worries mate - I think I already know why :wink:
Take it easy & will see the local guy & try to secure a copy of both.
just another retard!


Why join the UFU?? start our own union our membership would be higher than the UFU.........


Quote from: rescue5271 on January 24, 2008, 06:03:26 PM
Why join the UFU?? start our own union our membership would be higher than the UFU.........

If we joined the UFU we wouldn't have anyone to bitch and moan about when the MFS start expanding, and allegedly the government would do anything we ask.  We wouldn't want that! :(

--- this is sarcasm, for those that missed it...


Ah but then there is always us to pick on :wink:
How would you get you subs paid? Brigade funds? :-D
We don't need a union we both have the same thing - the associations remember? :evil:

Sarcasm duly noted & agreed with :wink:
just another retard!

SA Firey

The latest news on the battle

and a audio link to Leon Byner's radio interview with all parties
Images are copyright


Yep seen it wonder what they are planning now?
just another retard!

SA Firey

After listening to the radio interview it is really clear who is telling porkies :wink:
Images are copyright


Quote: "We hereby put this government on notice that until appropriate funding and resources are provided for the staffing of Beulah Park it will remain embarrassingly empty."
Yeah nice work UFU, deny the residents of the area the "supposed" best level of emergency service.
Treat everyone as if they are an idiot, until they prove you otherwise.


They were both talking out their filtered's..

Well when the fire services are stretched so thin that fires rage through homes like bushfires. We will say we told you so but it will be too late, but it will take that to see something done about it!


The secret is out -EBA negotiations :wink:
Old union trick, during EBA roll out understaffing, poor conditions, OHS&W issues & most importantly go public!
There is obviously some stuff that SAMFS wants, which the union don't like & their main tool is public pressure. Can't have industrial action at this stage of negotiations, however you can over publi safety :-D
Roll on Tuesday!
just another retard!