Bill, why would you fit a 2nd pump to a pumper to do pump and roll? Its a waste of space, and you don't even need an aux pump for pump and roll. Not to mention what is a pumper doing in a position where they have to pump and roll at a rural job anyhow?
This is the problem with CFS appliance design at the moment, they want a truck that can do rural AND urban jobs as well as hold a full stowage of RCR and Hazmat gear, plus everything else. Its just not going to work. CFS needs to learn that they can't rationalise *every* stations needs down to a single or a pair of trucks.
There would be nothing wrong with Stirling having a setup like:
-Current Pumper -> 2nd Pump/Heavy Rescue
-Burnside spec Volvo Heavy Pumper/Hazmat
-34P for Rural/Urban backup.