Since the changeover to Comcen dispatch by the current system certainly seems a big step backwards. Who else is finding the service far from 1st class?
Yes the service is not as good as it could be, however, I believe that the guys and girls in Comcen are doing their best, considering they were throwen into this change as much as we were.
The response from Adel fire is 2nd rate they have little to no interest in CFS and are sometimes don't even bother answering radios. At least when SOC was up and running we could get some response to a radio call, these guys don't give a toss. seems like they are purposely making life difficult at the most critical time-dispatch.
How many people are there in Comcen? How many TG are there that need monitoring? When you look at the numbers, there are about 3 operators in Comcen, I believe, and atleast 8 TG to monitor. I think they are doing the best job they can.
No longer do we get given a predetermined TG it is a case of pick your own . I wonder how this will work once the realFDS starts and things really crank up in temperature & jobs on the go? I have yet to here anyone that thinks the system is working better than it was?
Why do you say that it is a case of pick you own TG? You should be using your group TG for comms. Which should be run from either your station, or group base if the incident is significant. Large incidents should be moved on to a regional operations TG, or a Group Operations TG, this should be done by the IC, or IMT. If need be, request a TG to be allocated for the job.
How about all of you who are so busy and interested in berating the Comcen operators give them a break.