Yesterday around 3pm a large amount of chlorine was spilt at the Clare Recreation Centre Pool...large enough to fill a 34
Onscene overall were:
Clare CFS & SES
Nuriootpa 24P
Burra 24P
Jamestown 24P
Watervale (supplying extra BA sets)
Saddleworth (BA Refiller for Clare Station)
Port boughton SES
Clare Response14:54:22 05-10-07 MFS: INC # 38 - 05/10/07 14:52,RESPOND Hazmat Incident,MAIN NORTH RD,CLARE, MAP 0 0 0 ,,CHLORINE LIQUID SPILL AT CLARE POOL, ENTER VIA SANDERS,24824*CFSRES:
Nuriootpa Response15:06:01 05-10-07 MFS: INC # 38 - 05/10/07 15:03,RESPOND Hazmat Incident,MAIN NORTH RD,CLARE, MAP 0 0 0 ,,CHLORINE SPILL AT CLARE REC POOL, ASSIST CLARE CFS,24119*CFSRES:
Sitrep16:13:54 05-10-07 NTPA: Nuri 24P @ hazmat with a crew of 4 @ Clare pool. 2400ltr spill of Chlorine may be awhile,Respond as normal.. Nuri Captain 5/10/2007 4:11:33 PM
Watervale manual turnout16:49:37 05-10-07 WATV: *CFSRES: RESPOND WATERVALE STATION MANUAL TURNOUT 05-10-07 16:46
Burra and Jamestown Response17:03:59 05-10-07 MFS: INC # 45 - 05/10/07 17:01,RESPOND Hazmat Incident,CLARE ,CLARE, MAP 0 0 0 ,,BURRA AND JAMESTOWN TOTAKE AS MANY HAZMAT OOPERATORS TO CLORINE SPILL 99% WITH HYD ACID TANK 2500 AND 500 LTR TANKS,41328 44528*CFSRES:
From what ive heard, chemical removal company only arrived at around 2200hrs.
09:26:54 06-10-07 NTPA: some people required for clean up of 24p and hazmat gear ,as crew only got home at 0200hrs. at station between 0930 - 1000hrs for clean up . 6/10/2007 9:24:17 AM
after a busy yesterday, and 5mins after that info page:
09:28:31 06-10-07 MFS: INC # 27 - 06/10/07 09:26,RESPOND Private Alarm,19 RAILWAY TCE,NURIOOTPA, MAP 0 0 0 ,,,24119*CFSRES: CFS Nuriootpa Response
i can hear groans
Welldone to the crews for a very extended job!