This issue has been dealt with at unit level. The senior members brought this up at a committee meeting and it was both addressed and to our knowledge had finished. If the issue was continuing, why was the issue not brought back to attention? Considering present climate one might think its convenient that certain members have decided to start causing trouble.
If you choose not to inform your seniors of other issues at the time, then are you not also "cheating the system?" Not to mention circumventing the chain of command?
The financial reasons you mention are no different to any other emergency service unit in SA, sure it doesnt help that most of our budget is taken away by $22k of rent each year but hey, we have lasted the last 5+ years and will last longer still.
It should also be mentioned in light of recent events that you should be careful what kind of dirty laundry you air and where. Internet based comments can still be considered Libel.
Do you guys have a exit interview??
I beleive State HQ do call members for random exit interviews.
I believe I know who you're talking about and well, yeah, it doesn't surprise me.
I think you are referring to the issues with the ex unit manager, who was somewhat infamous for his somewhat cowboy antics. The current UM has done nothing but improve the relationships that previous management destroyed with both the local CFS and other organisations in the area.