Brigade Parade

Started by JC, September 12, 2007, 08:12:34 AM

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Brigade Parade are they done

21 (52.5%)
19 (47.5%)

Total Members Voted: 37


Just interested to know if brigades still do parades before training, i know up here it doesn't happen, which is something om keen to change.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


SA Firey

Images are copyright



Chucked in a poll, to make it easier.

Second question, Do you think that it helps keeps discipline and pride in a brigade?
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


As adults, I wouldn't expect a need to keep people disciplined.. However no, I don't believe that it would.

Its more of a tradition.


Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2



What does this parade consist of?


Seen it done both ways with and without.....Both the same really. Trucks still get checked and training still happens.  8-)


Quote from: bittenyakka on September 12, 2007, 01:32:55 PM

What does this parade consist of?

Basically, crews stand in ordered lines for a role call and announcements...

Not sure how much it helps with discipline and brigade pride, but it serves as a clear beginning to training and ensures there is a formal time for brigade announcements... :)


My brigade does. Before and after training. Sometimes because of what may be happening or if training goes  later then normal, one may get missed.


my brigade does,  exactly what CFS_firey explained....basically a  Debriefing of the past week, General announcements and a Briefing on "2nights training"


We don't do a parade.. but we have time after training set aside to inform members of correspondence / issues that need discussing / debriefs of call outs etc...

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Yes every friday night at 8pm its a good way of keeping members informned of what is going on,,,I like how EDEN HILLS do their parade they also let members know what is going on but also what calls they have been too in that week...

Alan J

Parade is a bit strong a word for what we do - stand in an open square in the truck bay for roll-call, announcements, plans, issues, etc. Gives officers a chance to eyeball whether PPE is clean or has maintenance items. We certainly don't do drill, & anything heavier than this - debriefs etc - get's adjourned to the training room.
For a long time, we didn't even do this much of a parade.  Just started from the training room.
Has it made any difference?
Probably people are more conscious of cleaning their PPE. But that'd be about it.

Cadets is different.  We get them to do the whole fall-in, right-dress, klicken heels und stompfen feet. The orderliness of it helps them to pay attention.

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


I was meaning the whole fall in on marker, right dress, crews to attention, at ease bit, a true parade so to speak. You are right in the fact that it gives the officers a chance to make sure PPE is clean, boots clean etc.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


We do it how Jasec has mentioned. :)

Alan J

Quote from: jasec on September 13, 2007, 12:24:21 AM
I was meaning the whole fall in on marker, right dress, crews to attention, at ease bit, a true parade so to speak. You are right in the fact that it gives the officers a chance to make sure PPE is clean, boots clean etc.

Nah.  Something to with it being offensive to mature adults. 

Not sure which brigade those mature adults are in, but wherever they are,
we'd hate to offend them, hey ?

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


Last time I heard the P word I was still in the army


Just trying to imagine what would happen here if the P word was mentioned. Possibly wouldn't help to get any more people to training and would probably drive the ones who do come away or just mean that they would get there later.
Wattle Range


Had 12 years of that crap - there is no way I would bring the P word into our unit. A passed controller tried it, he got cranky cause I wouldn't play.
Then got crankier when I explained to him that if we were to do things properly then officers don't line up with the troops (they are either behind or off to one side).
And we would need to do at least 1/2 an hour of drill every training night, so we didn't look like a complete shower :-D
I even have issues with the rank we wear, I don't hold a queens commission so why do I wear a majors crown? What are the protocols?
Anyway enough of a rant, people want to march join the men & women in our defence force! I do miss "Take Post" though  :-D
just another retard!


my brigade does a relatively relaxed form of parade, as a simple way for captain and the LT's getting attention for talking about the past week, news, and the upcoming weeks.  lasts only 5 or so minutes to start off training...where we break off onto whats organised for the night.


I love parade, hope it continues, reminds us that its  a serious service.


Hey Chook can you explain here or in the ses familiarisation thread what the ranks are in SES units ? cheers. Also how they are signified.


Yep in the other thread but.
just another retard!