....What doesn't the fire service do? Vehicle/Vertical/USAR/Confined Space/Trench, you name it, the fire service (Australia wide) will do it....
Agreed Oz wide... but in SA the authorities have deemed to specialise some forms of incident response.
I prefer this method compared to the 'all in one service' provided in NSW, QLD and WA.
I do not think any person (volunteer or paid) have enough time to learn all forms of incident response they might be required to attend. Certainly no one will ever have all of the equipment in a truck that they need to complete all possible incidents.
So I think it is fair that people have completed a 'potential risk analysis' for the communities and believe that the likely hood of a fire, RCR or tree down is high anywhere in SA. So multi-services have the equipment to protect the community from the risk.
But the likely hood that a building will collapse that requires the heat sensor camera, rock saw, quickcut, shoring and remote control camera probe is unlikely. But that equipment exists in Adelaide and MFS/SES have been trained in how to use this (USAR Cat3 course).
Part of risk mitigation is not to put all of your resources in the one basket..
** My thoughts & opinions only **
PS. Yes I can list specifics but do not feel it is worth it on a public forum. If you wish to debate specifics & live in Adelaide, we can meet to discuss/argue over a beer if you wish.