CFS Rope Rescue brigades

Started by CFS_Firey, September 01, 2007, 10:40:10 AM

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Quote from: rescue5271 on September 01, 2007, 09:39:33 AM
I am sure that the five rope rescue cfs brigade's would loved to have been involved in that rescue..............
I'm sure its been discussed elsewhere, but which are the 5 brigades?

(sorry for going off topic)



are the only five CFS rope rescue brigade's in the state


Quote from: rescue5271 on September 01, 2007, 02:17:24 PM
are the only five CFS rope rescue brigade's in the state
Thanks.  I thought Burnside had rope training for confined space rescue too...


Onkaparinga CFS/SES Group also is Rope Rescue. With Lenswood brigade having the equipment.    But purely as a CFS rope rescue brigade...probably not hehe...probably the "SES side"...

Alan (Big Al)


Don't they have some form of rope recue gear????

Lt. Goolwa CFS



Athlestone don't have it and Burnside do have some confined space gear but i don't think it is the same as "rope rescue".


Was at a training meeting the other night at region and yes people there are only five approved rope rescue brigade's in CFS sure some brigades may have the gear but they are not approved RRB..As for onka cfs/ses that is a ses unit and comes under the ses banner I think you will find.


Quote from: rescue5271 on September 01, 2007, 02:17:24 PM

are the only five CFS rope rescue brigade's in the state

Burnside have rope rescue gear/ confined space gear on the state hazmat appliance.

I also believe Nurioopta have rope rescue gear/ confined space gear also. Not a hundred percent certain on that, but I am certain about Burnside.


Whats the general consensus on minimum rope rescue equipment.

I mean, theres not much you cant do with a harness, 100m of 11mm rope, a harpoon friction device, a couple of tape slings and a rescue sling...
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Yeah Nuri has confined space gear.

ropes, tripod, harnesses, and hooker line really.


how do you set up the hooker line? Do you have a facemask/waistbelt set up? Or do you have to have the CABA on, just with the hooker line in the side?
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


CFS has just done a audit of its RRB and there is going to be a meeting sometime soon at STC and there will also be training this financial year for the brigades that are approved rope rescue brigades... Confined space entry gear is not rope rescue gear these are two differant types of gear used for differant jobs...


You have to wonder why the CFS don't add C/S gear to the brigades already rope rescue trained. It's not a whole lot more. Although you've then got to issue those brigades with gas detectors if they don't have them.
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


C/S rescue gear is only a combination of Hazmat Gear and Rope Rescue gear. Maybe consider strategic placement of C/S gear to some hazmat brigades that way serving two roles....

and Bill I'd be interested to know what are the differences between a C/S kit and R/R kit, maybe you could enlighten us?


there are a number of things that differ,3 thinks that come to mind are that GRN radios,torches, pagers that CFS supply are not electansicly(spelling?) safe and cfs needs to address this. I have only seen/done confine space entry at work and the gear that they had was some what differant to what we have as a rope rescue brigade. We are not a confine space entry brigade and I would like to see all rope rescue brigades do the confine space entry course when CFS offer it there are towns in rural areas that have large silos and this is one area where confine training would come in use. cfs would also have to look at supply are monitoring equipment to the rope rescue brigades that are not hazmat brigades'

Stefan I am sure you guys at burnside would know more about confine space than anyone else...But did CFS provide the training or was this training else where???



blinky - the towns you refer to with silos etc, are more than likely covered by SES for confined space or vertical rescue.


How many SES units actually do confined space rescue. I don't think that over the whole state there is too many SES Units or CFS brigades or MFS stations covering this specific response?
Practice Doesn't Make Perfect....... Perfect Practice Makes Perfect..


There are not many SES.... Norlunga, and someone out west i think (having a mental blank - to early in the morniong ;) )

From the last time we discussed this, didnt we decide that CFS didnt provide a true 'vertical' course? Anyway, not a point to get hung up on....


Quote from: Mike on September 04, 2007, 06:52:46 AM
Anyway, not a point to get hung up on....

Oh mike, you're such a card... always with the puns  :wink:


Quote from: Evac on September 04, 2007, 04:31:06 AM
How many SES units actually do confined space rescue. I don't think that over the whole state there is too many SES Units or CFS brigades or MFS stations covering this specific response?

I understand this is part of the SES USAR equipment & standard. Thus multiple SES Units around the state are training/equipping to this standard.

A course was recently postponed because of the weather incidents. The course is provided by an outside company & covers BA.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Its an old chestnut, but still odd, that the SES is getting trained in C/S, yet the gear you should have eg: BA sets and Gas Detectors and pretty fire service specific. 
To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


we have two BA sets at kapunda and two personel who can use them i am one we are tring to find out if there is a confined space/usar that the two of us can do so that we can be used for these type of jobs we also have vertical gear and people wanting to do the training so we can be vertrescue again 


are you getting more operators at kapunda?


we are hopeful that some more members will do BA we have a few new guys that are keen to do it