CFS Royal Show stand

Started by Jono, September 19, 2007, 05:27:51 PM

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Personally I think it was quite a flop. Dead boring.

Did CFS put much planning into it?
Snr 2
Seaford CFS (Mawson Group)



from some of the photos that are floating around they could have got appliances that did not have  surface rust on them....BRING BACK RAGGLES.......


personally i think the stand was quite good... and for the people it managed to attract into it and were intereseted enough, it provided some good information and an actual image for people to work with...

unfortunately though, form the outside it just looked like a big white tent...


Well it was put together at the last minute and it was "bushfire ready" and not CFS unfortunately but those of us who spent time on it did enjoy ourselves.


Come on guys, give them a break. They did what they could with what they had.

They're short staffed with limited funding and have been for ages, are in the midst of a restructure and transfer to work for SAFECOM and are extremely busy.


I enjoyed myself with the crews we had and the paid staff which came along.  Great for networking, and we had heaps of public through as well.

I caught up with Raggs while there, as he was the co-announcer for the grand parade so he is still around just for a bit longer.

I think the focus of the stand was understandable, to be bushfire ready, and we had lots of hills people through who had questions about what to do, and I even had our promotions unit laptop there so had a few updates as well.  Even some of our photos were on display.

The kids had a ball with the colouring competition which was very popular, so I think overall, it made a good impression.  We were also on the main path in for anyone coming in the South gates, so you cant get much better than that.

Just my thoughts and observations from a newcomer..


country kid

There was a new appliance there on the day that i was down there. a Rescue truck. anyone heard where that appliance might have been going?


yep it was new and a 34p so not necessarily a rescue truck. Um that one has pump problems  and is still being fixed hence it was at the show. other than the pump a nice appliance.


I spent 2 full days at the show (on duty) and managed at one point to actually enter the CFS tent.

I think that the opinions of the stand being boring are partially because you're CFS members and so all the info was old-hat to you. Being SES I still saw a bit of new info and thought it was reasonably interesting... someone with no knowledge of the CFS or Bushfires would probably have found it even better.

Even wearing orange (and the ribbing that went along with that each time we escorted a vehicle past the tent) I found the people at the display really nice and informative (especially the SAFECOM lady there one day)

Having the red and blues flashing on the 34... and having the lockers open to show some more gear (I opened them to have a look anyway) might have been good... but I still think it was a good effort.

Perhaps for the future a SAFECOM display could be good... provided the Met's funding doesn't overshaddow the rest.


So who make's up the committee that works out what is done at the show??? may be we as volunteers could join that committee and help with the planing for the 2008 show......Where do i sign up......


Yeah some of the SES guys and girls where interesting to talk to and i admit that some of the people on the CFS stand where not very appreciative of what you lot do and i do try and apoligise for this.


Quote from: rescue5271 on September 19, 2007, 05:54:14 PM
from some of the photos that are floating around they could have got appliances that did not have  surface rust on them....BRING BACK RAGGLES.......

Bring Back :? Where did he go  :?


Raggy left cfs and the VFBA sometime ago he went to the USA and other places but is now back and has put a ring on a nice girls finger...I am sure if the CFS was to ask and pip may know more that he would jump at the chance to help with the show this year...