New CFS role in bushfire management plans

Started by CFS_Firey, August 31, 2007, 11:23:59 AM

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Emergency Services Minister Carmel Zollo says a review of South Australia's bushfire management system will mean key changes.
She says they will be phased-in by next year's fire season.
Ms Zollo says co-ordination of resources will be improved and there will be a greater level of community participation in bushfire prevention strategies.
"We'll be improving the current structure of bushfire management from a complicated three-tier structure to a streamlined and outcome-focused two-tier structure," she said.
"The CFS [Country Fire Service] will assume the role of the preparation of bushfire management plans instead of local government.
"The councils will still have a role, clearly they'll still have a role at the regional management committee level, there'll be representations, there'll be at least two representatives from council.
"We'll remove from them the onus to actually prepare the bushfire management plan and also to have a bushfire prevention officer."

...From ABC online...

Lets hope these "new roles" also come with "new funding" and "new staff"...

Alan J

Makes some sense in the case of councils which have not produced bushfire management plans.  How many of them are there really ?? 
Does nothing for the councils which have already done plans. In the case of Onkaparinga, (>1/8 of the state's population) an extensive & detailed plan. Might not 100% agree with it, but fact is the council has invested $$$ & effort to produce it.

Bet the CFS gets less additional funding than what is stripped from the councils.  If any at all. ("It is more efficient" that way.)  In fact, once you factor in a further "10% efficiency increase per year" required of all govt departments in the lead-up to the next election (long-winded euphemism for 10% budget cut) you can be sure that CFS will get no extra funding, & mucho extra work. Some of which will be expected to spill down to us volunteers.  All to make the Minister look good for the press.

Q. What looks good on a politician or media minder of any political persuasion.
A. A doberman.

Think I'll go to bed now before I do someone an injury. Even thinking about politicians is causing nausea & relexive reaching for sedatives...

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

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Knowledge isn't wisdom.