How little you know, 90% of our job is Medical and thats what i like about it, but when I'm getting paid $50,000 a year more than a MFS firefighter, ill happily put pretend anywhere, i know which job i want. I'll have the cash anyday.
Hey if your rekon your on 50k more than MFS, we really know your full of scheiße. Simon Q agreed that you get nothing like that, rather your blowing your own trumpet. Ask Adam Mckee, he has stated the same, ie your still complaining about your pay, just as well Alison is on the way out and Towler has been given the Sack internally. (quality management there)
Lets be realistic Jase C 90% of your job is playing with piss and the the other 10% is unlocking doors for management, Your called an ESO remember that means an Extra Security Officer..)
If it's so good why is everybody leaving or left like Joff, and most others looking for a way out.
Roumor has it that your new boss is going to have you dressed in orange and cutting sandwiches... SES station in the making....
50K my donkey.