Don't get confused between what the CFS is calling CRD and SACAD. What was supposed to happen was to simply move the CRD from SOCC to MFS, nothing was supposed to change about the way brigades were responded. For various reasons (cockups) it didn't happen quite like that. SACAD is yet to come and that is where all the changes in responses are supposed to happen.
A single comms centre is good, if done properly, and there is no reason why once these current problems are sorted out that can't be the case. (Of course it should have all been worked out before the cutover but that's a different problem and not the fault of MFS). So while for some groups/regions the current situation is indeed a step backwards (due to aforementioned cockups), it should improve and hopefully, in due course, be better.
When SACAD comes in is when we will loose (under the present plans) local input and suffer from having "all your eggs in one basket" (ie. no fallbacks like being able to answer 000 calls locally if we have a complete comms centre overload).
The local input is not really required in near Adelaide areas, some groups (Mt Lofty, Heysen, Para, Mawson) have been responded by MFS, not SOCC, for years now anyway, but in more rural areas it is (even the more rural areas of region 1).
The R1 volunteer management committee (VMC) are putting together what we as a region want to see in the business rules for SACAD, which includes these types of things as options for groups to choose. The R1VMC has written to other regional VMCs as well on the subject. So Captcom, and anyone else, you need to get your ideas for how it should work put forward by your regional VMCs as well. If all regions say much the same thing and COAC endorses it then that's how you make it happen. It's a pity that volunteers have to waste so much of their time sorting out this kind of thing that should be the job of the staff paid to do it, but there ya go.