End of the Competitions??

Started by uniden, July 02, 2007, 09:55:48 AM

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When it seems like the CFS competitions are no longer due to financial reasons and lack of interest. Whilst some brigades are still keen to participate, overall it seems that others are either too busy or just not interested in participating anymore.
The old regional based competitions were a lot of fun and a good opportunity to meet people from around the state.
Last years competitions were not very well timed, due to the drought and the early start to the fire danger season and operational reasons they were cancelled of course. With no mention of anything happenning this year it is obvious that there is no plans to hold them this year, that is probably the end of the comps.


It's a pity, but not much point holding them if you can't get teams to compete.. :|


You should talk to your VFBA Rep.   The date & location were announced recently -  Goolwa, in October (can't remember the exact date!) - but I think it may have been the same weekend as Bathurst      :?   :cry:   

I think for the Comps to continue / survive, there needs to be a major revamp of them.

Over the last few years, there have been around 10 adult teams from across the whole state - 10 out of 435 brigades.  There is a fair bit of money going into putting the Comps together, and even more time invested by staff & volunteers - but are we really getting value for money / time ?


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.

Smokey Bear

I think the biggest issue is travel, which is why alot of brigades dont bother.

Maybe a better system would be comps at a regional level and the winner of each region compete in adelaide for the title of the number 1 brigade in the state.

Maybe some more modern events?


Ah yes, modernise the comps...what a great idea!!

I suggested some time ago that we modernise our comps, to better reflect the skills we use today.

A BA Exercise, which focuses on correctly (and quickly) donning & starting up, a rural drill that no longer uses tray top utes, with pump / tank tied to the back, with two crew clinging to a frame on the back (how it gets past OH & S, I just don't know) - and replace it with appliances and equipment that we now use,

How about a driving course, focussing on the maneuverability of appliance, not high speed.....

I think more people will be willing to be part of the comps if they don't have to do extra training to do the comps skills, which are in some cases different to what we do - but have comps that focus on current FGP's.....

On the other hand, bring back Regional Field Days...they were terrific days for brigades to get together, practice / demonstrate current skills, and a great photo taking opportunity..   :-D

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


The comps are to be revamped and I have not heard if they will be on this year or not so I will ask that question at the next VFBA meeting. I know that the Naracoorte brigade has been trailing some new modern events last year and these where to be shown last year at the comps.  Put I have to agree with pip,for the comps to keep going there needs to be a very big increase of adult teams from across the state.

CFS also need to provide better prize's rather than a medal or trophy how about some cash or a piece of firefighting equipment. We could learn alot from the interstate comps and I am well aware of a number of cfs/vfba members going interstate last year to look at the comps.

I for one have been asking for the comps people to run a judges school so as people can all be trained to a level,rather than one judge passes this team then does not pass the next for mistakes that are made on the run.

If you wont to keep the comps going then show your support and get your brigade to enter a team,its a great way of meeting other CFS Volunteers but its also a fun weekend. If its on at Goolwa then there is lots to do in that area over the weekend and I know a some very nice food places out there.So come on one and all support it before they scrapp it....
blinky bill
my view only


Seems the comps are going to be in the Barossa this year.
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


Yes the competitions will be held in the Angaston Group this year.


Kool send the team to the comps and go fill my car with great wine from the region :wink:
blinky bill
my view only


LOL.... You should be running yourself, and then go to the wineries after that?


pig's might fly before I run again.......hey camo get a team up and running
blinky bill
my view only