MVA Currency Creek Car Vs Tree

Started by Alan (Big Al), May 27, 2007, 04:14:03 PM

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Alan (Big Al)

This MVA we attended was an interesting one from a stabilisation point of view.....Note the side stabilisers they are the first time i've seen this sort you basically set them up and as you ratchet them in tight the spikes on them dig into the car. Very cool and easy to setup much nicer than the standard issue CFS one's but much more expensive. Set of three cost's a little over $3000.
Good buy if you have the money these ones have only just been purchased by South Coast SES
Lt. Goolwa CFS

Alan (Big Al)

Lt. Goolwa CFS


Good photo's,we have used the side stabilising bars and they are great like how guys have been thinking outside of that square....So hows was it for stabilisation was the car safe once this was done for crew to get to work???

Mate you guys better slow down or you will have more calls than us for the year. :lol:
blinky bill
my view only

Alan (Big Al)

Basically the two occupants remained in there, the stabilisation we did was the bar across the creek, used other strapping from the tree they hit to the car and various chocks etc, we then removed the drivers door so SAAS could access the driver and when SES arrived and put up they're side stabilisers we got the fella's out. I think from our arrival to getting them out was about 20-25 minutes.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


It is good to see the stabfast in action...Strath SES are about to take delivery of a set as well, just awaiting pickup. Judging by the number of callouts for MVA's this past weekend, Strath SES are going to need them if this is a taste of things to come.