MFS in Mt Barker

Started by fireblade, May 21, 2007, 07:17:29 AM

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Quote from: RescueHazmat on May 23, 2007, 03:55:29 PM
The only person higher who is not in the CFS/MFS/SAFECOM is the Minister for Emergency Services, who reports to the Premier.

you just hit the nail on the head... she didnt say the exact words, an MFS station will no be going in... but she told us that they had researched and that it will be required in the future and that SAFECOM has purchased land... i was led  to believe that it was found that it wouldnt be feasible (yet)
Seaford Brigade
Lieutenant 2

**My View only, does not reflect that of the Seaford Brigade or SACFS**


Look this state could not afford a staff station every 10kms in high urban areas and lets face it when volunteers are willing and able to do the job and are better trained then paid time firefighters why would a state want to have staff stations... I have a video here that what is going on here in SA is the same as what the union did in Victoria many years ago and it backfired as in the end the new stations that CFA did open where staff/volunteer stations....
blinky bill
my view only


Quote from: Camo on May 23, 2007, 02:27:37 PM
Considering Stirling are doing 300ish? calls that really isnt a big warrant for a paid crew sitting there 24/7.

They would also extend the response areas if there were paid crews at Mount Barker and Crafers. Call numbers could be dramatically higher if you're sending 2 trucks to anything between Mount Barker and Glen Osmond...


Quote from: Pixie on May 23, 2007, 11:26:09 PM

... but she told us that they had researched and that it will be required in the future and that SAFECOM has purchased land...

Thats interesting seeing as SAFECOM has been looking for land to house the local SES unit and havent found anything yet. With land so hard to get in the area house the two - be it MFS or CFS with the SES on the same block so there is more money available to purchase.
Crossdressing SES & CFS member


dont forget i think SAAS are on in it as well....

So  MFS/CFS/SES/SAAS in one big building...i reckon they could fit in a 3 x 2truck bay station...and probably on the Land that SAAS already occupy...


Quote from: Dezza34P on May 24, 2007, 09:06:02 PM
dont forget i think SAAS are on in it as well....

So  MFS/CFS/SES/SAAS in one big building...i reckon they could fit in a 3 x 2truck bay station...and probably on the Land that SAAS already occupy...

But would a volunteer service be willing to pay a share of the sleeping quarters and kitchen facilities that a full-time staff require, but would never use ?

Serious question (& not bashing full-time paid staff) because it is a lot of extra money to build in a station.

Fully agree with shared facilities by all emergency services (incl Surf Life Saving & marine rescue if they are local).
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Your funny pixie....but very misguided.

Politicians will tell you what they want you to hear, there will be a staff station down there, it will happen because you cannot support the town seaford/moana has become.

As for Sturt group CFS will never get staff in their stations, the union will not allow it. It has been said many times MFS is the paid fire service in south australia and it will not change.


See topic State Budget 2007 re Seaford.


I hear Seaford struggle to get a crew especially during the day and thats from paid CFS staff.

Whats the problem? the community comes first if a volunteer brigade struggles to cover their patch and a paid station is put there to do the job I say good.

You must have what is best for the public, anyway nothing wrong with having both services in an area. Suburbs north and east of Adelaide have had both services for several decades now.

People have got to learn to stop pushing their own little agendas MFS stations will be put up in CFS areas over the years as the urban sprawl continues its called development. As will MFS areas become CFS areas as things change.

I've got mates in both services that don't like some of the changes but it's not about them or you, its whats best for the communities of South Australia.

Who cares if the appliance going is red or white as long as one gets there!

Just something to think about than worrying about our own little worlds.


Very good point fireblade.


But are we assuming that the that the only way to solve crewing issues during the day is to put an MFS station into the area..?

A bit of lateral thinking may well come up with some other ideas that allows CFS to fully serve its area regardless of the time of day....

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


How many more years do we put the community at risk while we try and think laterally ?


Well it will fix the problem if there is a crew sitting in the station 24/7.


Pip I'm not sledging Seaford CFS at all I hear that they are a dedicated bunch trying to achieve what they can.

Lateral/ imaginative what ever you wish to call it thinking does not solve any crewing issues why can't CFS and MFS exist in an area?

How do you tell CFS crews to think lateral and put CFS before more important issues like work and family.

If work and family does not come before CFS, commitments to CFS will suffer.

I know for a fact my station only survives during the day to the dedication of our shift workers and generous local employers and you have to ask how much productivity a local employer should have to loose when he already pays his emergency service levy. 

You see it now on the pager site stations asking for more crew. Brigades being defaulted for others. We are in a changing world where the individual has more work and family commitments than ever before.

I enjoy my commitment to the CFS but sometimes I know when I'm heading to the station I'm not going to get those guys that have been around for a while and are good operators due to more important things in their lives.


what's this got to do with "MFS in Mt Barker"?  and anyway you guys are all arguing round in circles over this crap, it's been done to death already.


The bulk of the posts that talk about crewing issues, the solution to the problem is to put in a paid service in the busier CFS areas.  Then posts go on about how dedicated the members are etc etc (and I have no doubt about their dedication or the commitment of the members, or their families, or their employers.)

BUT their may be other ways to solve some of the crewing issues, without putting major stress on those trying their best.

I often get emails & phone calls from people who live in MFS area.  They are very keen to join CFS, but are generally excluded from membership in many cases, due to their location.

Why can't we utilise those people for particularly busy brigades, who may have crewing issues (temporary or otherwise).

Train them up, and roster them at the busy brigades.  They can sit at the station, perhaps during specific times, and respond as necessary.

Similarly there are many existing CFS members (and when I was a Uni Student, with too much time on my hands, I really really wanted to do this ) -  roster them onto those busy stations - and they can respond to those calls.

You also have the local members who can respond to the call - and you have a fully crewed appliance, all ready to go in a short space of time.

Obviously things like training, facilities, rostering would need to be addressed (and I would hope it doesn't land on the shoulders of those already in the brigade).

A system like this means CFS can fully provide the level of service required, the local community still supports its local brigade, and its local members...

This idea is not specifically aimed at Seaford, but aimed at busy urban fringe brigades - who may have a temporary crewing problem, or a longer term one.  Some areas may not need to persue this idea, for others, it might solve some problems...


There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


I like the idea of using Uni students. We have excessive summer holidays so you could train them up for rural work and then when a big fire starts page the Uni brigade who more than likely have spare time and instant crews are formed to fill gaps.

Ok it would need more thinking out but it's a start.


QuoteI like the idea of using Uni students. We have excessive summer holidays so you could train them up for rural work and then when a big fire starts page the Uni brigade who more than likely have spare time and instant crews are formed to fill gaps.

Ok it would need more thinking out but it's a start.

dont forget the Tafe people who should already have Part time jobs by now :P  like myself  :lol:

yeh ive got too much time on my hands...YET most of the jobs occur while im in a lecture!


Quote from: RescueHazmat on June 11, 2007, 08:28:13 PM
How many more years do we put the community at risk while we try and think laterally ?
Well we best put a MFS station in evey town asap then if the community is at risk from the CFS  :?
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


Now that the budget has come down one would say that there will be no MFS in MOUNT BARKER for sometime or at all......
blinky bill
my view only


Quote from: 24P on June 12, 2007, 06:50:16 PM
Quote from: RescueHazmat on June 11, 2007, 08:28:13 PM
How many more years do we put the community at risk while we try and think laterally ?
Well we best put a MFS station in evey town asap then if the community is at risk from the CFS  :?

Don't take what I said out of context... 

Some have to get over their own CFS ego sometimes and realise that the communities they are protecting are a heck of alot bigger than they were 20 years ago, and the need for gaurenteed protection has risen to the extent of a fulltime service..

Dont ge me wrong, im the last person who wants to see a Vol station shutdown or 'minimised' in their role.. But im the first person to put the community first and acknowledge that some areas need better protection...


There is only so much the volunteer can do...simply if you do not have crew you do not have a fire cannot afford to tell the community oh hang on we are just getting some new members who are volunteers and do not live in the area trained up so if you could just hold all house fires until then would be greatly appreciated...If you have crewing problems now and i know seaford and other brigades have had this for some time now then it is time to put the pride aside and let the paid crews do their thing.

I often question why some people on these forums fight so much against the best service offered to their community.


Quote from: pipster on June 12, 2007, 04:38:16 PM
I often get emails & phone calls from people who live in MFS area.  They are very keen to join CFS, but are generally excluded from membership in many cases, due to their location.

Why can't we utilise those people for particularly busy brigades, who may have crewing issues (temporary or otherwise).


In the meantime Pip, can you pass those contact details for potential volunteers to the local SES Unit or 1300 364587.

If they are in a MFS area, then the SES can do with the volunteer.

I would hate to think a person interested was not being given all options  :|
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


Already doing that....we explain the CFS options to people, but for those who it doesn't work for, we refer them to the SES recruiting line........ no point in letting enthusiastic people go unnecessarily!    :-D

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.