Star or State Logo: Which do you prefer?

Started by alphaone, May 09, 2007, 05:39:12 PM

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Which Logo for the SACFS do you prefer?

Star logo
11 (78.6%)
State (Taxi) logo
3 (21.4%)

Total Members Voted: 14


There are probably posts on this topic all ready. But I was talking to Dezza34P about this and was wondering what others prefered.

I prefer the Star as it has meaning, the State logo is just a corporate logo.

Why do you prefer the one you do.


i like both but prefer the Star as it is a more common fire service symbol. But why is it so hard to use like on t-shirts?


Each tip of the star has a meaning to fire fighters either paid, volunteer or both. The logo does not even look like anything to do with a fire service, my question to Corporate C.F.S. why change something when it's not broken!