I agree, Trees down are not SES,CFS or MFS job unless there is a risk to the public etc. So when are CFS going to be put back on the paging for trees down and if there's no immediate risk, ie P3 / P4 why do SES get responded at all?
Further to this thread but on some what of a different angle.... I was driving near The Parade, NORWOOD a few months back. As I approached The Parade I could hear a siren, I sat at a crossroad whilst I could see in the distance what I believed was a police car travelling through traffic, all lights / sirens operating. Now lets set the scene more, it was 1pm on a weekday afternoon and very heavy rain, this was on the busiest part of the parade so quite an amount of traffic and pedestrians. As the vehicle passed where I was located I noticed it was an SES Staff vehicle.
So wondering what was going on when I got home looked up the pager website wondering what was going on. The only job on the eastern side of the city at the time this vehicle was going P1 was a tree down, not on a road and no direct threat to public safety I have since found out.
Now maybe it's just me being crazy, but if you considered the nature, condition and use of road, amount of traffic on the road, amount of traffic reasonably expected to enter the road and all other circumstances.... Would you not consider driving in a manner dangerous?
What requirement is there for a paid staff member to respond from the CBD, under urgent duty driving to a tree down and placing the public at risk?
(my views and opinions only!!!!)