State Budget cuts

Started by Ashes, April 10, 2007, 06:40:01 PM

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I see tonight that the CFS as a whole has had to cancel numerous training courses because of 'budgetry concerns' which amount to $1.5M of savings.

Seems that Level 3, BA and other courses are suffering. 

Looks like we might have to start meat raffles at the pub again to get ourselves trained, or just train ourselves and save more money.

Anyone with any guff on what is happening?  This has affected our brigade considerably.



I cant really comment on this Ashes cause i havent heard anything of the sort yet  :? :wink:
Kalangadoo Brigade


They gotta save money somewhere to pay for all these extra MFS firefighters  :-D
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


Quote from: Ashes on April 10, 2007, 06:40:01 PM
I see tonight that the CFS as a whole has had to cancel numerous training courses because of 'budgetry concerns' which amount to $1.5M of savings.

Seems that Level 3, BA and other courses are suffering. 

Looks like we might have to start meat raffles at the pub again to get ourselves trained, or just train ourselves and save more money.

Anyone with any guff on what is happening?  This has affected our brigade considerably.


This is BS!  This is what the ESL was meant to fix!  About time our government got off there donkey's and reinstated the original ESL levy or fix it some other way.
Compton CFS Website


There was talk recently that the driver training courses were going to soak up a lot of resources (read 'money').

Apparently originally unbudgeted, but I only heard that fifth hand off someone I don't know.


Quote from: littlejohn on April 10, 2007, 08:16:12 PM
There was talk recently that the driver training courses were going to soak up a lot of resources (read 'money').

Apparently originally unbudgeted, but I only heard that fifth hand off someone I don't know.
Thats ok at least they'll know how to drive to a call, they just wont know what to do when they get there.  :-)
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


I understand that all agencies including SAFECOM have been told to gradually reduce budget over a few years by the government. I do not know specific amounts.

This has resulted in the shared Information Technology and Communications/PR functions. Other shared functions are to come, but each agency is handling the budget cuts in its own way.

"My personal understanding heard second-hand, so might not be fully accurate"
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


yes courses are being cut also here in region 5 and we have not had full details as to why but i am sure its coming in the mail.
blinky bill
my view only


Would this explain why i havn't heard any thing about the BA course i was meant to do this weekend?


Quote from: bittenyakka on April 11, 2007, 05:13:42 PM
Would this explain why i havn't heard any thing about the BA course i was meant to do this weekend?
Mate i'd do some quick checking tomorrow cause they at least should have informed you it was cancelled.
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


actauly i'm on the 9th of November :-( :-(


The info I have been given is that the (current) budget cuts only apply to this financial year, and thus affects training courses for this financial year only.

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


We have a member doing his CABA course on the 1, 2 3 June  :?


The info I got sent listed courses that will be cancelled this financial year.

BA Course June 1 / 2 /3 was not listed as cancelled.

All Level 3 Courses Cancelled (although the course is now out of date. some Leadership Courses, some plantation fire fighting courses have been postponed till next financial year, some Intro to GPS Courses cancelled as well as a one compartment course.

From the info I have received, it is expected that training will have a more positive outlook in 2007-08

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Heard about the budget cuts just after going to Euan's talk on all the training options they were looking at introducing. Can't see how they'll do that without cash! Maybe that was the idea behind involving volunteers in the process - agreement and support from thousands of volunteers for all this new training would make favourable ripples at the cash-dispensing level...


Thanks Pip that sounds good we need more BA operators.


My understanding at a recent seminar was that budget cuts for specific courses such as CABA, RCR etc will be reduced and the money will move into other training specific needs such as driver training development for 2007-08.

Don't worry, we have seen this previously as well with site specific courses.

I can not see the agency making rational decisions in money budget allocations without seriously looking at the issues ahead and looking at current stats.  Look at the past 3 years for example with the CABA, HAZMAT, CFB & RCR etc we have placed many qualified and trained personnel into these specific roles.  So we probably do have the flexibility to move money around in the budget allocation to deal with issues which are facing us at the moment.

If this means that you miss out in doing a specific qualification such as CABA, don't worry you will get on a course if your brigade/group requires it if you are under in your SFEC.  If you are not under well then, you will just have to wait till your number is called up.

The driving issue has been a problem for a very long time and it is good to see the agency being proactive about it and starting to move forward with the issues in hand.


Well there has been 2 or 3? CFS vehicle accidents recently and suddenly everyone is up in arms. Yes I acknowledge that drivers are important and they should have training but should it be at the expense of other courses (Adelaide doesn't need a tramline or exclusive grandstand)


Quote from: ltdan on April 16, 2007, 03:20:09 PM

The driving issue has been a problem for a very long time and it is good to see the agency being proactive about it and starting to move forward with the issues in hand.
I agree they are moving forward with this but it should come with its own funding not having to pinch it from other just as important courses and training.
Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you.


We don't live in a perfect world, where we can just spend as much money as we can, we all have constraints.  The agency is no different.

Your brigade/group is not losing out if you are under in your SFEC you will still be able to place vacancies on these courses.

It would be nice for every firefighter to be trained in CABA, CFB, RCR, Hazmat but this is not reality at this time.

If you want to talk about the tram and grandstand project probably this is not the correct forum but it is a "great thing for SA".

Look at other industries and services and the problems they have with monetary issues such as medical, train networking & schooling etc and in the end we are not doing the best with money but definitely no the worst.



Why not introduce the certificate courses in Public Safety cause the core &  elective units in each certificate cover all the training such as CABA,RCR,Rural & Urban Fire Fighting,First Aid,Hazchem and so on  :wink:     
Kalangadoo Brigade


When is the state budget due to be handed down?  Is the CFS likely to get more or less?
Compton CFS Website