Bushfire Prevention Management Review

Started by Blue, April 23, 2007, 01:42:24 PM

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For info. Has this been discussed already? I couldn't find it anywhere if it has.

Quote from the website:
"We live in the driest state in Australia. Our state is vulnerable to bushfires and the number of bushfires that our emergency services are responding to is ever increasing.

With this in mind, in late 2006, I instigated the first formal review into bushfire prevention management since the early 1980's.

The review recognises that the management of bushfires occurs within the broader emergency management framework of prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.

You are invited to provide input into the review. The terms of reference and some accompanying questions have been developed to assist with this.

As part of the review a reference group has been established to consider community input. They will also take into account the recommendations from Project Phoenix, the CFS internal review into the Wangary Bushfire and the outcomes of the Independent inquiry into the Eyre Peninsula Bushfires.

At the end of the review it is hoped that South Australia will have a bushfire prevention management framework that reflects best practice; engages and involves those who have a stake in community safety; improves the bushfire safety of the community; and minimises damage to those things that are valued by the community.

I welcome your input.

Hon Carmel Zollo MLC"


Sounds like there's potential for quite a can of worms.

I wonder if it will result in an emotional but il-informed minority having a significant affect on the fire management practices in this state?

Is it really a good way to make decisions? The most annoying committees are those which have either either too many people, or misinformed people on them. Damn near impossible to reach decisions in reasonable time.
Why on earth would you want what amounts to a committee spanning the state?

Don't spose we'll get any worthwhile decisions out of it any time soon.