Fire Talk & information flow

Started by Baxter, April 22, 2007, 02:54:27 PM

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Having looked on the station notice board today I feel that the latest tit bit of information from the SA CFS in the form of the Fire Talk newsletter some what annoying. Being a rural brigade I some times feel that not all the information flows onto a Brigade. When I was recently at a CFS course other members of both higher lower ranks than me new more about some of the impending changes that the CFS have planed for types of membership and types of brigade. I have heard about cuts in training / changes in training and being a registered RTO with national accredited course to reverting back to the days prior to being an RTO. The question that I pose is where does one find out more information so that as a member and the rest of the Brigade don't have the feeling of being kept in the dark and knowing what is fact or fiction.
keep it simple for sanity skes please


well there are a number of ways in which one can find more information,attend group meetings,attend regional meetings and now and then attend the VFBA meetings in your region.I always say to people if you want to know what is going on then go and do a course at STC as you will always have information from a very good cross section of CFS Volunteers and the paid staff all are willing to pass on this information or point you in the right direction....The truth is out there if we spend the time looking for it...............
blinky bill
my view only