Fire Fighter Availability Boards

Started by Camo, April 23, 2007, 06:56:01 PM

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Gday folks,

Just looking at what designs people have used when building availability boards?

I know of one design used at Bordertown when i was there.

Fire Fighter     Available      Comments
                        Yes    No

H Simpson         0                 Available 24 Hours
F Holden                    0        On Two Weeks Holidays
T Smith              0                 Between 12am & 5pm

Any other ideas?
Compton CFS Website


Name        Dates Unavailable     Comments

Camo        1/4 - 5/4
Blue        14/4 - 16/4           Nighttime only
S. Simo
W. Waz

The system works on the assumption that people are generally available, unless specified.

Alan (Big Al)

We have a board that has all members key tags that are numbers, and 2 sections unavailable (for people who go away etc etc) and non active (which the captain puts peoples key tags there if they don't attend training for a month or more) if you are there then you are restricted to comms work until you train again. Those people only ride the truck as a last resort if we are short and the appliance is needed.
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Why does Cam get longer holidays than me??

I'd say it depends for what purpose the board exists. I've only ever used them for particular days of high risk, so you write up when you will be available on each day (just am/pm usually).

Name   M   T   W   Th  F   S   S
FF1    AM  AM  AM  AM  PM  all all
FF2    All all all PM  PM  PM  PM

and so on.


The best board I have seen has everyone's name on a magnetic strip. If you are unavailable you slide your name over to the appropriate part of the board.
Also great to glance up and see who is on which truck etc etc...