Group and Brigade Rivalries

Started by The Assistant, March 16, 2007, 04:07:54 PM

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I was right, i was telling someone the other day that MFS will be doing all the paging and he said I was wrong....but then again I have had a few people say that if MFS dont do it then SAFECOM will set a a unit to do it all.....
blinky bill
my view only


Quote from: 5271rescue on April 01, 2007, 06:18:25 PM
I was right, i was telling someone the other day that MFS will be doing all the paging and he said I was wrong....but then again I have had a few people say that if MFS dont do it then SAFECOM will set a a unit to do it all.....

Dont care who does it just as long as they have trained operators unlike the current situation.

And they follow the guidelines
Compton CFS Website


Quote from: Camo on April 01, 2007, 08:01:17 PM
Quote from: 5271rescue on April 01, 2007, 06:18:25 PM
I was right, i was telling someone the other day that MFS will be doing all the paging and he said I was wrong....but then again I have had a few people say that if MFS dont do it then SAFECOM will set a a unit to do it all.....

Dont care who does it just as long as they have trained operators unlike the current situation.

And they follow the guidelines

Current Situation ??? Non trained operators??   Oh do tell...

Alan (Big Al)

Ahhh if your talking about SOCC then what do you base that opinion on????
Lt. Goolwa CFS


No im referring to MFS Comms.

They use people on compo as comms people?

Well thats what im led to believe.
Compton CFS Website


Quote from: Camo on April 02, 2007, 10:49:13 AM
No im referring to MFS Comms.

They use people on compo as comms people?

Well thats what im led to believe.

Partly true. It's a position that is certainly suitable for trained firefighters with an understanding of the system to still be functioning after (god forbid) a terrible accident/illness/injury that takes away their ability to respond as normal. But that doesn't mean they are thrown in there without training Camo.

They deal with responses for a number of different organisations that have their individual requirements, so on top of answering 000 calls to pacify someone freaking out at the other end of the line, they also have to think about what SES wants them to do for that particular incident type, or what CFS requires for that area. Obviously that's an easier task for CFS as we have similar structure and calls to MFS and they are used to the mechanism for responding. SES is a bit of a harder basket due to the dissimilarities to what MFS are used to working with.


I have met some of the guys in MFS comms and they say the problem isn't their training but the response plans. Also remember these guys might be dispatching the brigades and not have a clue what part of the state the brigade is in.

Lastly MFS are dispatched by themselves taking the 000 call and then throught the incident they report with MDT about their status.

CFS get dispatched by MFS then report to SHQ and then do comms though their station meaning that knowone outside the incident has any idea of the trucks current status or location.

end rant


Funnily enough the government have aknowledged this fact and are implimenting SACAD. So like i say, everyone get their response plans sorted now. Some of you may have seen the new maps getting around showing your brigade with a specific colour showing which area's you can get to first, this might be interesting and hard for a few brigades to swallow, but it will be good for the community. I am looking forward to the services getting a professional response system for once.
There are some that think it won't work, but please please get it through to your fellow members that the system is only as good as the data you put in it. Its going to happen anyway, its success depends on us helping get it right.

The rest of the world does it, so why should we be any different.


MFS Comms have the flexibility to make the call on who is sent to an area given information on what appliance is nearest or available. So there is human input to the process, which works well when you have a full understanding of MFS appliance whereabouts at your fingertips, as they do.

The thing about SACAD is it is a fixed system, which is the only way to go if we are centralising the turnout of crews because (as noted before) MFS Comms don't know the area they are turning out crews to. So we need to rely more heavily on a computer aided dipatch.

As for getting back to the thread purpose within this post, I can't imagine ever being involved in this process as a mere volunteer pleb. I haven't even heard SACAD mentioned nor seen any maps of our area as a volly. I hope I'm wrong in thinking it will be just another example of where the group does the lot and barely consults the brigades, let alone the firefighters  :roll:

SA Firey

To err is human to really stuff things up requires a computer :-P
Images are copyright


Quote from: Blue on April 03, 2007, 08:10:40 AM

As for getting back to the thread purpose within this post, I can't imagine ever being involved in this process as a mere volunteer pleb. I haven't even heard SACAD mentioned nor seen any maps of our area as a volly. I hope I'm wrong in thinking it will be just another example of where the group does the lot and barely consults the brigades, let alone the firefighters  :roll:

Its a big worry isnt it?  Pity our group is run by a bunch of......  I better leave it there.
Compton CFS Website


Come on cam its not taht bad yet,wait till you all become one happy group down there that will/should be fun.......
blinky bill
my view only


Quote from: 5271rescue on April 04, 2007, 08:18:29 PM
Come on cam its not taht bad yet,wait till you all become one happy group down there that will/should be fun.......

Am i missing something?
Compton CFS Website


all of this hurts my brain.

surely, logic can just prevail and simply whoever is closest to the reported location of the call responds. If the call is not reported correctly and is in another brigades area that brigade is responded and when they arrive on scene the 2 or more OIC's work things out. not hard.

as for WHY certain brigades or groups don't respond others, that one is simple too. Morale. We think we're better than everyone else.


probationary one

the word is not "morale" its "ego"




Quote from: Hicksflat14 on April 17, 2007, 11:50:07 AM
does ego drive self turnouts?

I don't know, but comments like that are unnecessary.


perhaps its a matter of more inter-group training....


Maybe we should have more inter-brigade/group BA Soccer matches.
Hmmm, think i remember this topic becoming a long debate before...



soccer sounds good or may be a cricket match,but then again CFS does not understand fun or common sense...........
blinky bill
my view only