...what do you do when both the mets and your cfs brigade are responded to the same incident at the same time. Which station do you respond to? Do you evenly share your responses to each service? Do you favour the mets over cfs or vice versa?
This one is for information. Anyone who is part of the CFS would know that your own life/family/health/work comes first, and if you're busy then you're busy, now matter how much we'd like to be helping out. Some people have flexible employers, which is great and should be acknowledged and thanked at every opportunity. Volunteers employed within Government certainly enjoy a this level of support. I'm lucky in that both of my employers support me volunteering for CFS and I'm often allowed take time off after large incidents in lieu of making it up at a later date. I realise this is not always the case for many voluntees.
As for MFS, I am employed as a retained firefighter and there are certain expectations that go along with that employment. I am expected to be available for fire calls when I'm rostered on (which is most days outside my my normal working hours) and this sentiment is even writen under an SAMFS Administrative Procedure that outlines support for 'SAMFS Staff Involved in Other Organisations'.
So the answer is that if CFS and MFS are paged together, and I am available, my obligation is to MFS as an employee. But thankfully this rarely happens