New Fire Department 3 PC Game

Started by Robert-Robert34, March 13, 2007, 02:01:41 PM

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Hiya everyone now i know this might not class as an actual topic seeing as i've already posted a similar topic like this last year but i cant seem to help myself :-D

Last Week i purchased the new Fire Department 3 PC Game straight from ARB Games without going to ebay cause of subscribing to their monthly catalouge when i brought the original Fire Department game off ebay from them

Even though i'm still waiting for it to come in the mail before giving it a review for anyone who is interested in getting this game off ebay can look at it by clicking on this link 

Dont be afraid to message me if you need the email address for ARB Games cause its much cheaper buying it direct from the seller  :wink:

Enjoy  :-D     
Kalangadoo Brigade


Got it a while ago and its a great game.

Probaly the most realistic fire game ive ever seen.
Compton CFS Website


I agree Camo and it would make a good training simulation program for the CFS just like that fire safety computer program which was used in schools during the 90's  :wink: 

After getting this game im planning on upgrading my video graphics card so the game will run faster :-D   
Kalangadoo Brigade


Did you guys play the demo before you got the game? I was greatly disappointed in the Demo and decided not to purchase the full version for this reason.  Sch as not being able to put protective screens up and some of the urban fires traveling live Bushfires :?


Thats just the way they designed the game :-) maybe we should look at getting a Fire Department 4 Australian Version PC Game made  :wink:   
Kalangadoo Brigade


Robert I'm currently negotiation with Sony for it to come out on the PS9 console in 2069. They are currently having problems with the purple ray drive so may be delayed to just into next century. But its coming and it will be worth the wait trust me.


Did anyone else have trouble loading the Eurotunnel level?

Mine has consistanly crashed everytime I have tried to load it.

My computer is below the requirements to run... but every other level runs fine.


Hiya Jimmy i havent even gotten used to the game yet i've just started playing it after being without my computer for 6 days due to a hardware failure in the C Drive requiring repairs

At present i am looking for a cheat code to this game that can unlock all the levels but so far havent found it yet  :-(   

Kalangadoo Brigade


Hiya everyone sorry for the double post but i've found out how to move the foam truck it turns out you gotta click the mouse infront of the foam truck so it can move  :-D

Im still learning as well as trying to find the cheat code  :-)

Kalangadoo Brigade


I've had this game for a while now, great game but my computers graphics card cant really handle it so havent played it for a while.

As for cheats for I havent found any either but would be cool if there was to open all levels.  :-D
When I am called to duty, God wherever flames may rage, Give me strength to save a life, whatever be its age.


From what i can remember playing fire department 2 there was a cheat that opened up all the levels by simple file modification :-) i just wish it was the same for this game :-(

Oh yeah Fire_Rescue96 how did you pass the ukraine airport scenario cause thats the level i cant seem to pass  :-( :?
Kalangadoo Brigade


There is a file somewhere on the net that reveals all levels...not sure where i found it.

To pass the levels forget your fire training.  Dont bother working in pairs as you wont get stuff done quick enough.
Compton CFS Website


It can be found at
I was going to attatch the file but it is not an "approved" file type.

I needed it to get past the Eurotunnel level which wouldn't even load.

Has anyone been able to find the Helecopter or "water tower" vehicles advertised on the back of the box??? I've completed every level except the aforementioned Eurotunnel level and have yet to find them.



I tried that file jimmy and my computer wouldnt allow me to open it up  :-(
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Hicksflat14 on March 14, 2007, 12:18:48 PM
Robert I'm currently negotiation with Sony for it to come out on the PS9 console in 2069. They are currently having problems with the purple ray drive so may be delayed to just into next century. But its coming and it will be worth the wait trust me.

pure gold


Quote from: Jimmy on March 27, 2007, 11:08:47 PM
It can be found at
I was going to attatch the file but it is not an "approved" file type.

I needed it to get past the Eurotunnel level which wouldn't even load.

Has anyone been able to find the Helecopter or "water tower" vehicles advertised on the back of the box??? I've completed every level except the aforementioned Eurotunnel level and have yet to find them.


The air attack support plane & copters only become available when the game reaches a level where certain specialist vehicles are needed
Kalangadoo Brigade


But which levels need these specialist vehicles? I've finished the game and I never came across them.


Maybe you tackled each incident so efficiently that it never escalated to a point where you could possibly need a helichopper, so it doesn't give you the option  :-)


Thanks for the file jimmy it really worked  :-D cause after placing it in my save files folder i fired up the game and surely enough every level was available  :wink:
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert34 on March 29, 2007, 05:31:17 PM
Thanks for the file jimmy it really worked  :-D cause after placing it in my save files folder i fired up the game and surely enough every level was available  :wink:

robert, thats cheating!

but as they say, if your not cheating, your not trying...


Sounds like you got that saying from the late WWE Wrestler Eddie Gurrero  :roll:
Kalangadoo Brigade


Quote from: Robert34 on April 04, 2007, 12:51:32 PM
Sounds like you got that saying from the late WWE Wrestler Eddie Gurrero  :roll:

i actually got it off a mate of mine, but he might have got it from there. :|