What annoyed me about the media story about Mt Gambier Station having the highest percentage of female firefighters, is that the great work performed by ALL the stations firefighters (male and female) is really overshadowed by a percentage!
If equality if what is wanted by everyone, then the media needs to stop making such a big deal out of "female firefighters".
They are performing their job well, just as good and better than some male counterparts, so stop going on with the BS and refer to them as firefighters.
As for gender, ethnicity balance, what a load of crap!!
People should be selected on their suitability for the job, not because an organisation has to have a percentage of gender or ethnicity.
If anyone has a real interest into getting into a job they really want, they would do plenty of research and make sure they have everything spot on before applying.
And if it doesn't happen the first time, find out where you went wrong and try again!!
Anyhow, enough ranting and raving,
Regards, Mat