NSWFB Wallet's

Started by CyberCitizen, April 22, 2005, 09:23:05 AM

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Would You Like A CFS Wallet.

Yes I Would Like One With The CFS Star
17 (60.7%)
Yes I Would Like One With The CFS State Logo
6 (21.4%)
No I Don't Think Its A Good Idea
5 (17.9%)

Total Members Voted: 24


I was wondering what everyone else thinks about CFS wallets.

I would like to see something simlar to the pictures below, but with CFS star.  Eg. Something that we can put our CFS ID's in but also have a metal CFS star badge.

I know if they were available I would purchase one.

What are your thought's?





What is the price range ??


This is the price that the NSW ones sell for.

$65.00 Does not matter which card size.

This information was from http://www.museumoffire.com.au


I think the wallets wouldnt be a problem, but the badge (star) might be knocked back for use by CFS... due to the problems that may occur, with mis-use...  etc etc..

I can see some undesirables using them for the wrong reason.


I like but the price is a little step,CFA used to have one that sold for $25 and was the same size as NSW,again the badge is a problem with mis use by some. But hey lets give it a go may be a good item for the CFS shop????


What Do You Mean By Mis-Use?

I Could See Some People Flashing It In An Attempt To Get Out Of A Speeding Fine & Other Stuff Like That But Thats It.  I Have Sent A Request Of To The Company To Get A Price On One With The CFS Star.


Quote from: CyberCitizenWhat Do You Mean By Mis-Use?

I Could See Some People Flashing It In An Attempt To Get Out Of A Speeding Fine & Other Stuff Like That But Thats It.  I Have Sent A Request Of To The Company To Get A Price On One With The CFS Star.

Things like exactly that, would damage the reputation of the CFS.... Supplying people with a tool, that has the potential to be mis used, is like giving little children real weapons when playing cow boys and indians!


What's The Difference Between The Wallet's With The Logo Or The CFS ID's?

Good times

A lot, for a start, I can get almost any english stations ID wallets on E-Bay, where as ID cards have to have your actual picture in them and you need to be a registered member to get an ID card, and before you say only registered members can get the wallets, it only takes one or two people to quit and you will have them for sale somewhere before long, a lot harder to flog off an ID badge with someone's face on it.

But having said that I would not mind having one.


Quoteit only takes one or two people to quit and you will have them for sale somewhere

Only too true, we had a batch of leather pager holders made once (for the original style all those years ago).... a few years later we a few being sold at the local second hand shop. Thankfully the owner was very understanding and returned them without to much hasstle.........



I see your point.  What if there was a registered kept at headquaters with like a serial number ingraved on the star so that if one ever did come up for sale it could be traced back to the original owner.  Just a thought, I mean I can see your point however I still think they are cool & I would like one.


I honestly don't think it will ever happen, and if it does, i don't think it will have CFS approval.....

LIke I said, there are just way to many ways in which such an item could be mis-used, weather by CFS members, or if it got into the wrong hands......


You could always ask your region about it,better still I read that cfs is going to have a shop for items that we can buy so may be this would be a good item that they could sell. I know it would sell well and there are ways to keep a track on who has what.


I really don't think mis-use will be an issue... Police won't accept a CFS badge as a reason not to give a fine, and members that are that inclined could do that now, with a cfs sticker, or belt clip, which are already available... or even to don their yellows, and abuse the power that comes with that... (just an observation)



Thats true.  I have a CFS number plate sign around my number plate, which has Country Fire Service accross the top & Fire Fighter along the bottom.

I also have a reflective helmet sticker on the back of the car, which is red & the person tailing me when they have there lights on at night makes the sticker glow really well.

Until the CFS shop opens I will have to live with Fire & Rescue @ Blackwood.


Hi Guys and Girls.
In reply to the NSWFB wallets, I would certainly buy a CFS wallet if we had them available.
Cheers Todd


I Would Too, However I Think That They Would Only Look Good With The CFS Star Not The Taxi Sign, So If They Have The Taxi Sign I Wouldn't Buy One, It Just Wouldn't Look Right.

oz fire

SAPol issue photo id's to compliment their wallets/badges to overcome the problem of souvenir badges. Maybe CFS could adopt this approach and have one compliment the other and also prevent that rogue element.

One the other hand, there is already a badge produced, for the akubra style hats, it's only 50mm, not the normal 70mm of other badges, but it could be introduced instead of the other services badges to create an SA option?????

Ultimately it's just another form of CFS association - as with shirts, name badges, car stickers and alike - most places these days won't accept any ID (badge or no badge) without a formal photograph.
Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to control it.


Still trying to work out why we would need one ??


We Don't Need One, I Just Thought It Would Be A Good Idea & Wanted To See If Anyone Else Was Interested In The Idea.


I think with the current ID cards that are available, it is just a cost that isnt really required.  And as i have stated, there is too much potential for people to use them innapropriately.


I dont see to big a problem with it. Its not an added cost for people as, if you dont want one...... dont buy it. Im pretty the it was ment to be considered as a personal item.

As for the misuse of them.... The potential is there, as we all voiced originally..... but its there for anything we do.



Just been reading about the wallet. I think it would be a good idea, I would buy one.

As for people mis-using it I really dont think that any decent CFS member would go around mis-using something like that.
When I am called to duty, God wherever flames may rage, Give me strength to save a life, whatever be its age.


Decent members.  maybe not......  but............

Hey look, I got no problem with the idea, just think they arent required, and yea, why do we need a wallet with a badge?? We're not cops.


I think it would be a nice collectable. I would not be in favour if it was some type of official thing.

A tasteful high quality wallet would be a nice thing to have for the enthusiastic memorabilia collectors, or anyone else that might like one.

Back when I joined the CFS all the youngies in our brigade were climbing over themselves (me included) to get fire/rescue belt buckles. We loved them - Not everyone's cup of tea but we enjoyed the research and comparison when we got a nice new one.