Brigade funding and hidden cash!

Started by JamesGar, April 21, 2005, 06:49:36 PM

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Heard an interesting rumour the other day that a CFS brigade has an account of close to $200 000 in saved funding for brigade usage. As I said only a rumour.

It was worded to me that the brigade would like to eventually get a Scania Pumper for there station, which only has SFEC classification of Rural/Urban

Would be interested in what you think of fund raising for brigade's need (which my brigade still does), and if so should this be limited, or at leat monitored buy SAFECOMM? Should brigades still be able to purchase there own appliance, should they have the choice to unite funding with Emergency Service Levy funding for bigger better appliances, Is this equitable for other needy brigades out there? Is this ethical to fund raise to this extend if the community already pays there levys? :twisted:

Again only rumours, no substance to this, but interesting to ponder anyway!

Your thoughts!
James Gardiner
Belair CFS


I can't see any problems with brigades doing fundraising,there is still gear that we all need and if the public are willing to help then so be it.I know my own brigade has done alot of work for the council and been given a donation and we have also won a donation from the national bank for community service.

If brigade's want to buy something like a brigade own appliances and have the money  way not buy it??? CFA/RFS,,have all been doing it for a long time and the rewards to a community of having their own fire appliances is one of great safety knowing that if the other appliances is away their one will be at home..

Good times

Don't worry, SAFECOM is keeping an eye on it, and they have done an audit on all brigade accounts so they know how much is out there!!

I know who you are talking about James, and they have been saving and fundraising since they purchased the last brigade funded appliance, it s just a case now that its no longer really needed or allowed for that matter. I am sure a lot of brigades with large amounts of money have it for the very same reason, but be very careful, SAFECOM is of the understanding that all CFS money is there money, and I mean ALL, so if said brigade did buy a new pumper and it was not justified and someone else needed it don't be surprised if it get's taken away from said brigade!!
A bullsh*t rule but it could happen.

I say spend your money so it can't be taken, but thats just me, or keep it below a certain level, or hide it in a swiss bank account!! :lol: