National Accredited Training

Started by JC, January 31, 2007, 05:51:43 PM

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Is or has any one had problems with CFS accepting this training from other fire/emergency services or training providers.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


SES have problems acknowledging & processing 'recognition of prior learning' for generic courses, even when you have a similar certificate from another organisation.
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


If this training is Nat Acc. they have no option but to accept it, as long as it is within the same package. There are lots of cases where cfs has not been accepting these and they are identical.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


Is the problem with single units only or the complete certificate?



Currently the issue is with full Training qualifications that people have from accredited (but non TAFE) organisations, and enabling them to become a trainer/assessor.

Paid staff are working through the issues & it is getting better. They are working out ways to match the requirements.

I do not think they have started matching modules from one course to another.

But I believe the current SAFECOM push will make it easier in the future.

For example, Road Crash Rescue should be transferable between MFS, CFS & SES with just some extra short training (SES do not deal with fire, but do more rope work so the base qualification is different).
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.


I did a National Accredited Emergency Response Warden Certificate in 2005 through Tactical Training Australia and the CFS didnt have a problem with that   as i did it out of my own pocket:-)
Kalangadoo Brigade


They don't seem to be to keen to accept things like BA,RCR,HAZMAT. Which if the training that has been done are the same modules that the cfs delivery they have no option but to accept them.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2

SA Firey

If the training modules are to AFAC standard, they have no choice but to accept it :wink:
Images are copyright


thats what im getting at they havnt been, there on the fast road to an audit.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


I've had no problems transferring national accreditations obtained outside services to CFS, CFA, ForestrySA and MFS. I think they're all happy they don't have to pay for it  :lol: That is the general idea behind national accreditations - transfer without hassle. Sad to think I've just been lucky and there have been issues for others with this.

I think it will only get better. Even in as short a time frame as the past five years there is a much better framework behind training, better understanding of national accreditation within services, with transparency of competencies involved, which makes for consistency and acceptability across all organisations. People might complain about having to do training again for things they are already qualified for, but that's what recognition of prior learning is all about.

If a service wont accept an accreditation then they should get on board and suport the review or development of training packages rather than complaining about the inadequacies of ones that exist.


To be successful with getting accred/RPL you should get a copy of all the learning outcomes and competencies within the certificate that your going for and then address each one and show where in your current certificates course this was the same or better than what is required on the cert you are going for. Of course if your cert is too old then you will run into problems with proving that you are still competent. Its all a big pain in the backside, and i recommend just doing another course. It's usually easier and you end up doing less work. Personal exp was that i ran into all sorts of problems trying to get RPL when joining the CFS from interstate, and i didn't really see what the problem was until i did a Workplace Assessor course and everything became crystal clear. :wink:


DECS (Department for Education and Childrens Services eg: Schools) dont believe that the CFS training is thorough enough so require Fire Wardens to be able to wade through red tape, and then put out a paper fire in a small rubbish bin with a water fire extinguisher before they can become fire warden.....


Quote from: Footy on February 20, 2007, 08:00:55 PM
DECS (Department for Education and Childrens Services eg: Schools) dont believe that the CFS training is thorough enough so require Fire Wardens to be able to wade through red tape, and then put out a paper fire in a small rubbish bin with a water fire extinguisher before they can become fire warden.....

lol  :-D :-D


Quote from: Footy on February 20, 2007, 08:00:55 PM
DECS (Department for Education and Childrens Services eg: Schools) .... wade through red tape, and then put out a paper fire in a small rubbish bin with a water fire extinguisher before they can become fire warden.....

Did the bin fire contain all of the red tape  :lol:  :lol:
Andrew Macmichael
lives at Pt Noarlunga South.

My personal opinion only.
