Denis Pumper

Started by Jono, January 15, 2007, 12:51:26 PM

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They can try but we dont wont it........
blinky bill
my view only


why would anyone want it?


SA Firey

Not much bling when you cant use the thing  :-D :lol:
Images are copyright


Quote from: medevac on January 19, 2007, 02:59:37 PM
why would anyone want it?


new promotions unit pumper!


Nah...the Promo Pumper is having its final touches done to its make we don't need another one!!!

And for anyone that thinks we could swap them...the Promo pumper has a pump that leaks more water than it pumps...... and the parts would have to come from America at a great cost...     :wink:
There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


The poor promo pumper.... the old girl could tell a few stories!


where is the promo pumper originially from?

got any pics pip?


The Promo Pumper used to be Strath 32'll (hopefully) be out of the workshop soon...after the (small) bits of rust have been cut out, new striping, removing the extra brackets etc.....

Pics of what he did look like can be found on the Promo website - the appliance at the top of each page...that will change soon, when it come back to us!!   :-)

There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


There were 3 of those Mitsubishi Pumpers built at around the same time and none of them had memorable lives.
(1)Mt Barkers had pump problems from day one and ended its life prior to 20 years and is now being used as a tanker over on KI.
(2) Strathalbyns had pump problems as well and was retired short of its 20 years.
(3) Lobethals was ok and got sent to Murray Bridge a couple of years ago before getting parked upside down on the main corner of Murray Bridge enroute to a job.

Alan J

Quote from: probationary one on January 18, 2007, 03:01:05 PM
If all else fails, blame the terrorists. I agree with ryan, I don't think dennis spend much money on aerodynamics, if any. I reckon that truck is around purely because of bling value. It ain't good for much else in its current state.

Dennis mightn't spend much on aerodynamics (how important *really* is aerodynamics at speeds up to 140kmh?) but they sure spend money on suspension & handling. I was told that their latest pumpers can do donuts until the driver loses their nerve but will not fall over. (I WANT ONE !!)

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


They are a great truck, it's just as with everything else in CFS it was jinxed and now DENNIS has a bad name in SA.

I would easily take a brand new Dennis over a brand new Scania as they are purpose build fire trucks from the tyres up. Scanias are still made primarily as delivery trucks.


From what i have heard about the Dennis (apart from the mechanical issues) they are a fantastic truck to work from, totally designed for firefighting.
p.s. apparently the boys from seaford where told on Monday from a GO that they will be getting it and they also measured the station to make sure it fits, and if they can make the 24 fit into the third bay they can keep the 24 as well.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2

Alan (Big Al)

What about their logistics that sits in the 3rd bay??
Lt. Goolwa CFS


Hoping it can stay a group resource and stay at mawson base.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


Does anybody have any height specs for the Dennis??

Jason, the rumor is still unconfirmed, but i would swap log. car for the Dennis any day!!

I still wont believe it until we have the keys!

Seaford Brigade
Lieutenant 2

**My View only, does not reflect that of the Seaford Brigade or SACFS**


2.5m ish ?

Not totally sure..


Thats what i have told the guys pixie, dont believe a word till its sitting in the station with seafords name on it. Id call it a fair swap for the Logistics car though.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


I'd call it a fair swap for any of their rigs !


You never know.  There might be nothing wrong with the Dennis.  Its just the Mt Barker brigade mistreated it so much that it didnt wanna play ball.

Joking Peoples.  Sit back down and take a deep breath  :-D
Compton CFS Website

SA Firey

When and if you get the Dennis just check the windscreen and make sure they actually put sealant around it this time :wink:
Images are copyright


Quote from: Camo on January 24, 2007, 04:50:23 PM
You never know.  There might be nothing wrong with the Dennis.  Its just the Mt Barker brigade mistreated it so much that it didnt wanna play ball.

No, that might be true, to an extent.  I would assume Barker didnt "mis-treat" it but maybe it required extra maintenacne than the normal that is done to CFS appliances and also they do a lot of job and Denis would ahve got used a lot so extra wear and tear.  Maybe at a smaller ststaion it owuldnt have had so many problems.

MAYBE is the key word


If it goes to seaford it will still be busy jobs wise, but the distance it has to travel will be greatly reduced.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


hahaha so seaford are going to be able to crew three trucks????????? lol

nah, i should think there 24P will dissapear when/if they got dennis. SFECs would not require 2 "pumps" i shouldnt think, so CFS will snap it up for somewhere else.....  :?


Word on the grapevine is it will go to Morphett Vale and yes seaford would struggle to man three trucks with the member numbers they have. I believe that taking a 4WD appliance from them and replace it with a 2WD pumper is not wise for the rural risks they have.
Roxby Downs CFS
Lt 2


mmm but that problem will never be fixed anywhere unless CFS actually comes up with a 4wd pump.... a real pump.