Burn Over Curtains for Command Cars

Started by fire03rescue, January 15, 2007, 10:41:32 AM

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Why don't command cars have burn over curtains??


Because in command cars are the big wig's and red hats whom we firefighters dont like so we want them to fry if it gets a bit warm, why else...

(yes IM joking :roll: )


Im assuming command cars are not meant to get into areas where frontline fire fighting will be undertaken.. But it is a valid question, there are the occasions where command cars goes where they shouldn't and have a very real chance of getting fried !!

SA Firey

We can only assume everyone including GO's etc have done deadman zone training.I have seen where they went the other night and not a good example :-o
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All of our Groupies do burnover traingin each year - I think they undertake it in both the Group vehicle, and also in an appliance.

As I understand it, anyone on the fireground should have completed their burn over training
There are three types of people in the world.  Those that watch things happen, those who make things happen, and those who wonder what happened.


Maybe it's just not practical to have curtains in command cars... They get in the way enough on the trucks - they'd probably be even worse in a car...


The command cars generally get changed over pretty regularly now with the SA govt. Not saying that lives arent worth the cost but you know.


When you think about it, they have no water, nil protection (bar maybe a 2.5kg dry chem).. and are fitted out with a heap of radios, and the people who are meant to be running an incident.. I think it would be unsafe to see them in area's where active firefighting would be taking place.. The conditions would be too dangerous for the vehicle/crew.. - Much like a 2wd doesn't go on a 4x4 track... - A command car shouldn't be exposed to those conditions..

In saying that, doesn't mean I don't think they shouldn't be fitted.. ;)

Alan J

I gather one or two command cars had their paint singed on Wednesday afternoon. Especially on Cut Hill Rd when the wind change arrived... Easy to say in theory that they shouldn't be in harm's way, but given our roadsides have been given over as nature reserves & reveg sites, very easy for a 'safe' spot to go pear-shaped.
I guess no-one has really thought about it.
Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.


I think a few appliances and command car were caught when the wind changed and the speed.


I know this isn't exactly the safest option but we should not forget here that group cars are just 4wd's and can get out of areas and dangerous situations a heck of a lot quicker that the trucks.


But in saying that, they are alot worse off if caught, or if they can't get out of such areas..

In all honesty I think it is a much safer option for them to stay out of the "Hot zone" I guess you could call it...


Realistically its not feasible to put curtains in command vehicles.  Well not in the manner of how they are in the trucks anyway.  As someone said before they get in the way in the trucks, think what it would be like in the cab of a 4x4.

As long as they have a big woollen blanket for protection thats better then nothing.
Compton CFS Website

Alan J

Quote from: CFS_Firey on January 16, 2007, 04:33:36 PM
Maybe it's just not practical to have curtains in command cars... They get in the way enough on the trucks - they'd probably be even worse in a car...

Eh??  <Scratching head...>
Can't say I've experienced this.
How so ?

Alan J.
Cherry Gdns CFS

Data isn't information.  Information isn't knowledge. 
Knowledge isn't wisdom.

SA Firey

The purpose of a "command car" is to setup "forward or incident control" with an overview preferably of the job ie hill top.

This is to direct resources, provide sitreps to group base,region etc,establish VHF fireground channel and sectors on the fireground,and liasing with incoming strike teams,and run a log of the incident.

They shouldnt be in an area where a fire can impact the crews working in that vehicle, and any GO/DGO worth their salt would know that and not place themselves in that position.

True,they might have the speed etc to escape but what if there is no safe exit :-o
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mmm until your using it as a strike team leaders vehicle and it is right in there near appliances...


Perhaps all command vehicles need to have large RED woolen blankets, it wont help em but make it a lot easier to locate em after the incident :evil:.

Medevacs right, as strike team leaders, command vehicles are right in the thick of it!
Just Another Filtered Fireman


To think they employed me as a drooling retard...


Ever tried to bust thru a cargo barrier from the front of a Command Car to pull the curtains down in the back?  :-P


just use the command car Water pistol dammit.


a good strike team leader will go ahead of their team sussing out all those little places where we know we have to go.....but don't know whats at the other end of - can we turn around?, is there a safe place to stand and deliver?, are there properties we cant see? A strike team leaders vehicle is the Strike Teams eyes and ears, sitting them away from the action located in a single location  is a poor utilisation of them. It follows logicaly, that they might get into places where they get caught....as might we all, despite our best efforts and judgement - simple self protective devices like curtains and blankies should be obligatory


Guys my thoughts, curtains would be a pain in normal curcumstances,(a couple have already said this) yep you cant get through a cargo barrier, generally nobody in the back anyway. They do have a specific burn over drill for command cars that involves getting down low under the woolen blankets that are kept in command cars.


Quote from: firey666 on March 06, 2009, 06:55:53 PM
Guys my thoughts, curtains would be a pain in normal curcumstances,(a couple have already said this) yep you cant get through a cargo barrier, generally nobody in the back anyway. They do have a specific burn over drill for command cars that involves getting down low under the woolen blankets that are kept in command cars.

The plan also involves getting your puckered lips within kissing distance of your soon to be tanned, lily white arse! :-D
Just Another Filtered Fireman


Quote from: firey666 on March 06, 2009, 06:55:53 PM
They do have a specific burn over drill for command cars that involves getting down low under the woolen blankets that are kept in command cars.

that are usually kept in the rear cargo compartment that you cant access from inside the vehicle......risk assess that puppy  :evil:


Command cars should not be too close to the hot stuff but dont all cars have blankets in the rear just in case they get caught out??curtains would be a pain  due to the small space that is inside the car....