General Discussion > SAMFS


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--- Quote from: 80224 on December 08, 2016, 07:25:44 AM ---
--- Quote from: Ferret on December 08, 2016, 06:30:43 AM ---Well its better than previous years when you had to spend about $2000 on truck license, first aid and a computer skills certificate just to send in your application. The process will never be perfect and unfortunately the job isnt for everyone so a lot of people who dont get through the personality profiling are simply not suitable.

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Well said!

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By the way, alot of people that DO get through the personality profiling are simply not suitable!


Left foot snap:
Seriously... it's not like people aren't going in with their eyes wide open. The recruitment section of the SAMFS website clearly states the following

"The MFS has introduced a fee to participate in the Firefighter Recruitment and Selection Process. The fee is $100 per applicant. The fee is not refundable and wholly contributes to expenses incurred by the MFS in the administration, testing and processing of applications. The MFS do not retain any part of this fee.

Please be advised that the results of the Personality Profiling and Abilities assessment are the property of SAFESELECT and are not provided to applicants or any other parties. Payment of the application fee does not guarantee employment with the MFS." 

People also sign a consent prior to completi the testing indicating they understand this. If you don't like it, don't apply.

Exactly. Wonder why they weren't suitable.......

While I agree with you both, Ferret and LFS, I do also agree with the other points raised about feedback having positive outcomes.
I think it would be beneficial for applicants to receive information as to where they can improve their aptitude test score. Surely it would yield a broader range of applicants to choose from relating to aptitude.
There is then the psychometric evaluations, which does produce an indication as to the type of person the applicant is. But progressing forwards does have a certain dependency on what personalities are being focused on.

Ferret- would you definitely say that all people wanting feedback on their tests is a definite sign that they're not suitable for the job? Just because they overlook direct passages of text on the website and test instructions? What if some people are the personality type that is heavily involved with self improvement and wants a distinct aptitude area to focus on? Surely that person can't be ruled out?


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