General Discussion > SAMFS


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You are correct.

A simple graph indicating results is the least that could be done. Not suitable, suitable, highly suitable response with highlighted result would suffice. This would allow applicants to make an informed decision to apply in the future or stop wasting their money and time.

In my opinion, which I am entitled to, it's a unprofessional approach to recruitment for any organisation not to give any feedback, given the application fee also. Almost worth a letter to the editor.

I will put in my two bobs worth. In my opinion the current procedure with the personality profiling and ability assessment is unfair. It is unfair to expect candidates to pay for their test and refuse to give them feedback on their results! I am not saying that feedback should be supplied for the psychological testing but it certainly should be for the verbal and numerical reasoning sections. Candidates deserve the opportunity to be able to improve, or at least find out where they might have gone wrong ( for example, accidentally marking the wrong answer). How can the process be fair and transparent if results are being "hidden" from applicants. In firefighter recruitment it is common for candidates to try multiple times and by not supplying feedback to candidates after they have payed the fee, stinks of profiteering as those committed applicants will try and try again whilst the organisation receiving the funds go laughing all the way to the bank! Other emergency services supply candidates with results and or feedback. It should be no different for the SAMFS recruitment process.


--- Quote from: musofire on December 07, 2016, 08:34:52 PM ---I will put in my two bobs worth. In my opinion the current procedure with the personality profiling and ability assessment is unfair. It is unfair to expect candidates to pay for their test and refuse to give them feedback on their results!

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Well its better than previous years when you had to spend about $2000 on truck license, first aid and a computer skills certificate just to send in your application. The process will never be perfect and unfortunately the job isnt for everyone so a lot of people who dont get through the personality profiling are simply not suitable.


--- Quote from: Ferret on December 08, 2016, 06:30:43 AM ---Well its better than previous years when you had to spend about $2000 on truck license, first aid and a computer skills certificate just to send in your application. The process will never be perfect and unfortunately the job isnt for everyone so a lot of people who dont get through the personality profiling are simply not suitable.

--- End quote ---

Well said!

Many of us have spent money on licenses and other certificates when applying for SAMFS but at least those organisations gave results and feedback on our performance. It is not acceptable  and certainly not a fair and transparent  process not to issue applicants with their results. They have the right to know where they went wrong and how to improve!


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